Southeast Michigan fruit update – September 4, 2024

Apple harvest moves into Honeycrisp. Cold-hardy wine grapes are at peak harvest.

Ripe plums growing on a tree.
‘Stanley’ plums are close to harvest at Verellen’s in Romeo, Michigan, September 3, 2024. Photo by Derek Plotkowski, MSU Extension.

Welcome to the 16th in-season fruit article update for southeast Michigan for the 2024 season. Throughout the season these updates will include information about the weather in the past week and the upcoming week, a fruit-by-fruit guide to current conditions with appropriate pest and disease updates, and other relevant observations.

General observations

Apple maturity reports for the season from around the state have started. You can find these reports on the Michigan State University Extension Apple Maturity page. Southeast Michigan apple maturity is covered in this report and in the statewide apple report, which will be published after the other reports.

In the two weeks since the last update, many farms have opened their cider mills and apple u-picks for the season. Seedless and wine grape harvests are also in their peak period.

We’ve seen an average of 0.8 inches of rain in the region over about 6.6 hours of rainfall in the last two weeks while we’ve experienced warmer than normal temperatures. When using Michigan State University (MSU) Enviroweather and other weather models, keep in mind that the weather station closest to you may have different topography or be in the path of weather events that pass by your location. The legacy version of Enviroweather is currently unavailable, so for the time being it is necessary to use the newer version of the site. A virtual training was offered on using Enviroweather on Friday, June 26, and the recording can be found here.

We are expecting a front of rain to come through later this week ushering in cool fall-like conditions into the weekend. You can see you an overview of disease risks on the RimPro interactive location chart. Make sure to check the models frequently as they change with weather forecasts.

Many of our major pest populations are on the decline, including codling moth, oriental fruit moth and apple maggot. Brown marmorated stink bug counts are climbing in orchards. Brown marmorated stink bug can be challenging to control because of their activity close to harvest. See this fact sheet on managing brown marmorated stink bug. Spotted wing drosophila pressure is very high this year across the state in blueberries and brambles. Low trap counts do not necessarily correlate with low presence in fruit. Secondary scab pressure remains low and powdery mildew seems to have been kept under control, but the risk of powdery mildew in tree fruit and grapes remains high for the entire week. Bitter pit incidence, especially in ‘Honeycrisp’ apples has been very high this year.

Fruit-by-fruit conditions


Growers in warmer parts of the region (Lenawee and Monroe counties) have harvested ‘RubyMac’ and done first picks of ‘Honeycrisp.’ Non-retained ‘Gala’ in warmers parts were harvested last week while retained fruit will be picked later this week. You can see our predicted harvest dates for southeast Michigan. We expect high infection probability for powdery mildew the entirety of the next week.

Green apples hanging from a tree.
‘Northern Spy’ apple in Fenton, Michigan, September 4, 2024. Photo by Derek Plotkowski, MSU Extension.


Blueberry harvest has largely wrapped up, with a few u-picks open to pick the last berries.


Many raspberry u-picks are open for their fall bearing fruit. Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) has been caught in the region. See our MSU Extension collection of factsheets and videos on SWD.


The statewide grape report is published weekly on the MSU Extension Grapes website. Seedless grape harvest continues, with ‘Marquis’ harvest wrapping up in Britton and ‘Mars’ on the horizon. Cold-hardy wine grape continues, with growers moving through ‘Itasca,’ ‘Petite Pearl’ and ‘Prairie Star.’ ‘Concord’ harvest in Britton could start by the end of the week, while further north in Romeo growers are still picking ‘Fredonia’ and waiting on ‘Niagara.’ RimPro models for Romeo through Sept. 13 indicate very low risk of black rot conidia infection. Downy mildew risk will be high on Sept. 6-7. Powdery mildew will have moderate to severe risk for the entire week.

Grapes hanging from a vine.
‘Frontenac Blanc’ grapes at Youngblood Vineyards in Ray Township, Michigan, August 27, 2024. Photo by Derek Plotkowski, MSU Extension.


‘Bartlett’ pear harvest has wrapped up in Fenton. Bosc pears harvest has not yet started. Some sooty blotch has been seen, which is a problem exacerbated by pear psylla.

Ripe pears hanging from a tree.
‘Bartlett’ pears about ready for harvest at Spicer Orchards in Fenton, Michigan, August 19, 2024. Photo by Derek Plotkowski, MSU Extension.


Italian plums in Romeo have been harvested with ‘Stanley’ plums expected in the next week or so. Like other crops their harvest is likely to be ahead of schedule.

A hand holding a plum fruit.
Stanley plum in Romeo, Michigan, September 3, 2024. Photo by Derek Plotkowski, MSU Extension.

Insect conditions

Our late summer insect conditions remain relatively consistent from week to week and the last few weeks have been pretty quiet. In tree fruit, our primary insect concern is brown marmorated stink bug. In small fruit, spotted wing drosophila and grape berry moth are the biggest concerns.

Aphids: Some light infestations of green apple aphids continue to be reported by scouts. Woolly apple aphid counts are down after a mid-summer spike. While some aphids are best controlled during dormancy, woolly apple aphids are controlled during the season. Woolly apple aphids have moved towards terminals, which is a transition that happens in mid-summer. Aphids can stunt shoot growth and pave the way for secondary fungal infections like sooty mold.

Brown marmorated stink bug: Scouts are reporting increasing adults, especially in orchards that have historically had problems. See this factsheet on managing brown marmorated stink bug in Michigan orchards.

Borer complex: Lesser peachtree borer numbers are declining after a brief increase in Fennville and greater peachtree borer and dogwood borer counts are down to zero. You can read about the current status of Lorsban in this 2024 update. While chlorpyrifos is available for use this season, alternatives materials may be used to manage borers as well. Assail is a recommended material for a trunk spray once adult borers are active.

Codling moth: Codling moth catches have increased in Fennville but remain low in southeast Michigan. You can track the codling moth model on Enviroweather.

Grape berry moth: Grape berry moth catch is low in Fennville, with no problem reports in southeast Michigan. Control is usually most effective in the second and third generations.

Japanese beetle: These are generalist feeders with a single generation per season. They have been seen in apple orchards in the region but we seem to be past the peak. If needed insecticides can be used to control populations.

Oriental fruit moth: Counts remain low in Fennville and haven’t been caught recently southeast Michigan. If control for the first generation wasn’t effective, sprays may be needed to control egg laying and larvae in the subsequent generation.

Pear psylla: This may need control throughout the season.

San Jose scale: Characteristic spots on fruit are starting to appear in some locations. Male San Jose scale counts have dropped over the last couple weeks in Fennville. See the fruit guide. Some growers have asked about mating disruption in San Jose scale. Research indicates that it is an effective tool but there are no commercially available approved products. This survey is gauging interest in this method of control.

Spotted wing drosophila are still be caught in traps and larvae are still being found in fruit. Trap counts don’t necessarily correlate with crop pressure- high pressure can exist with low trap counts.

Disease conditions

Apple scab: This week has a low probability of secondary scab infection. Scab pressure has been light this year.

Brown rot: This disease affects stone fruit and can proliferate during bloom. There may still be time to control in later varieties starting 3 weeks before harvest when fruits start to color, but be mindful of pre-harvest intervals.

Cherry leaf spot: We do not expect the risk of infection in the next week except for a slight risk on September 6. See this 2013 article on cherry leaf spot management. It can be helpful to control cherry leaf spot outside of the season to prevent inoculum buildup in the orchard.

Fire blight: We do not anticipate fire blight risk this week. Strikes have primarily been reported in orchards that have had fire blight in past years, but there do not appear to be many new infections this year. Fire blight is not limited to springtime infection and it can infect orchards with existing infections in the fall. Read this 2020 article from George Sundin for fire blight management options.

Fruit rots: Rots like bitter rot and black rot can be controlled as early as first cover in apples. Our recent wet weather tends to favor rot development.

Grape black rot: There is not much infection risk this week. See this 2014 article for grape black rot management options and consult E-154.

Orange rust: Orange rust continues to be a potential problem in brambles.

Peach leaf curl: Control needed to be done before bud break. The next chance to control it will be with fall sprays in preparation for next season.

Phomopsis: In blueberries the Phomopsis fungus is active from bud swell until after harvest. Phomopsis has been seen in grapes in the region.

Powdery mildew of apple and pear: You can start to include products labeled for powdery mildew in sprays starting at tight cluster. There is a high risk of infection the entire week.

Powdery mildew and downy mildew of grape: Scouting should start early for these diseases. Powdery mildew will have moderate to severe risk for the entire week. Downy mildew risk will be high on Sept. 6-7.

While not a disease, nutrient deficiencies can leave plants more susceptible to disease. Now that the plants have leafed out you can start to see some symptoms. They can be hard to definitively diagnose without nutrient testing, but this article from Eric Hanson is a handy guide to what nutrient deficiency symptoms look like.

Seasonal weather update

In the last two weeks, we saw about 6.6 hours of rain accumulating to 0.8 inches of precipitation. We are ahead of the five-year average in both time and amount of rainfall.

Liquid Precipitation Accumulation Jan. 1 - September 4, 2024, issued September 4, 2024
Station (County) Rainfall Total (in.) Current Hours with Rainfall Current Rainfall Total Average (5 Yr.) Hours with Rainfall  Average (5 Yr.)
Commerce (Oakland) 26.8 370 22.6 350
Deerfield (Monroe) 23.8 389 21.0 352
East Lansing MSU Hort (Ingham) 23.4 369 20.9 337
Emmett (St. Clair) 20.3 388 19.3 372
Flint (Genesee) 26.1 400 22.5 352
Freeland (Saginaw) 18.1 305 16.0 299
Hudson (Lenawee) 21.9 371 21.1 360
Ithaca (Gratiot) 19.2 417 19.9 334
Lapeer (Lapeer) 23.7 502 19.3 357
Linwood (Bay) 20.9 344 19.9 320
Pigeon (Huron) . . . .
Richville/Frankenmuth (Tuscola) 23.8 362 19.3 311
Romeo (Macomb) 26.9 384 22.0 332
Sandusky (Sanilac) 18.2 487 17.2 361
Average of stations in this region: 22.5 391.4 20.1 341.3
Difference in Liquid Precipitation Accumulation from Jan. 1 observed August 20 and September 4, 2024; issued September 4, 2024
  Rainfall Total (in.)  Rainfall Total (in.)    Hours with Rainfall  Hours with Rainfall   
Station (County) 20-Aug 4-Sep Difference 20-Aug 4-Sep Difference
Commerce (Oakland) 26.0 26.8 0.8 360 370 10.0
Deerfield (Monroe) 21.9 23.8 1.8 382 389 7.0
East Lansing MSU Hort (Ingham) 22.0 23.4 1.4 361 369 8.0
Emmett (St. Clair) 19.7 20.3 0.6 380 388 8.0
Flint (Genesee) 25.0 26.1 1.1 396 400 4.0
Freeland (Saginaw) 17.5 18.1 0.6 300 305 5.0
Hudson (Lenawee) 21.5 21.9 0.4 367 371 4.0
Ithaca (Gratiot) 19.0 19.2 0.2 413 417 4.0
Lapeer (Lapeer) 22.7 23.7 1.0 495 502 7.0
Linwood (Bay) 20.4 20.9 0.5 338 344 6.0
Pigeon (Huron) . . . . . .
Richville/Frankenmuth (Tuscola) 23.0 23.8 0.8 356 362 6.0
Romeo (Macomb) 26.2 26.9 0.8 373 384 11.0
Sandusky (Sanilac) 17.9 18.2 0.3 481 487 6.0
Average of stations in this region: 21.7 22.5 0.8 384.8 391.4 6.6

In the short term, we are expecting sunny and dry weather through Thursday. Storms overnight Thursday will bring in colder and cloudier conditions for the weekend. Temperatures through Thursday will be in the mid-80s, but over the weekend highs will be in the 50s and 60s with lows in the 40s.

The medium term outlooks are projecting a transition to warmer than normal conditions with below normal precipitation after the cool temperatures of the next few days. The long lead currently calls for warmer than normal conditions with normal precipitation.

Our regional average growing degree day accumulation for the season are ahead of the five-year averages. This puts us at one to two weeks ahead of normal in most of the region. Read this Michigan State University Extension article to learn more about degree days: Understanding growing degree-days.

Degree Day Accumulation Jan. 1 -September 4, 2024, Forecast from September 5-10, 2024; issued September 4, 2024
Station (County) Degree Days Base 42°F Current Degree Days Base 42°F  Average (5 Yr.) Degree Days Base 42°F Forecast Degree Days Base 45°F Current Degree Days Base 45°F Average (5 Yr.) Degree Days Base 45°F Forecast Degree Days Base 50°F Current Degree Days Base 50°F Average (5 Yr.) Degree Days Base 50°F Forecast
Commerce (Oakland) 3646 3437 3789 3163 3018 3285 2420 2329 2509
Deerfield (Monroe) 3982 3756 4131 3478 3286 3607 2703 2564 2799
East Lansing MSU Hort (Ingham) 3706 3508 3843 3213 3054 3330 2456 2359 2540
Emmett (St. Clair) 3359 3285 3494 2886 2842 3001 2165 2165 2246
Flint (Genesee) 3823 3649 3965 3332 3191 3453 2571 2487 2659
Freeland (Saginaw) 3600 3456 3738 3123 3012 3240 2390 2331 2475
Hudson (Lenawee) 3850 3582 4001 3362 3128 3493 2613 2432 2710
Ithaca (Gratiot) 3834 3601 3970 3345 3151 3461 2585 2455 2669
Lapeer (Lapeer) 3615 3425 3749 3134 2976 3134 2398 2292 2480
Linwood (Bay) 3375 3243 3506 2912 2811 3023 2202 2148 2281
Pigeon (Huron) 3463 3301 3601 2994 2868 3111 2280 2205 2363
Richville/Frankenmuth (Tuscola) 3673 3528 3807 3190 3079 3303 2438 2384 2520
Romeo (Macomb) 3686 3506 3829 3201 3056 3323 2455 2361 2540
Sandusky (Sanilac) 3539 3345 3666 3063 2908 3170 2338 2237 2413
Average of stations in this region: 3654 3473 3792 3171 3027 3281 2430 2339 2515
Difference in Degree Day Accumulation from Jan. 1 observed August 20 and September 4, 2024; issued September 4, 2024
Station (County) Degree Days Base 42°F   Degree Days Base 42°F   Degree Days Base 42°F  Degree Days Base 45°F Degree Days Base 45°F Degree Days Base 45°F  Degree Days Base 50°F  Degree Days Base 50°F Degree Days Base 50°F 
  20-Aug 4-Sep Difference 20-Aug 4-Sep Difference 20-Aug 4-Sep Difference
Commerce (Oakland) 3251 3646 395.0 2812 3163 351.0 2142 2420 278.0
Deerfield (Monroe) 3569 3982 413.0 3109 3478 369.0 2404 2703 299.0
East Lansing MSU Hort (Ingham) 3315 3706 391.0 2868 3213 345.0 2181 2456 275.0
Emmett (St. Clair) 3003 3359 356.0 2574 2886 312.0 1923 2165 242.0
Flint (Genesee) 3415 3823 408.0 2969 3332 363.0 2282 2571 289.0
Freeland (Saginaw) 3221 3600 379.0 2788 3123 335.0 2125 2390 265.0
Hudson (Lenawee) 3446 3850 404.0 3002 3362 360.0 2321 2613 292.0
Ithaca (Gratiot) 3430 3834 404.0 2986 3345 359.0 2298 2585 287.0
Lapeer (Lapeer) 3229 3615 386.0 2792 3134 342.0 2126 2398 272.0
Linwood (Bay) 3011 3375 364.0 2593 2912 319.0 1952 2202 250.0
Pigeon (Huron) 3084 3463 379.0 2660 2994 334.0 2018 2280 262.0
Richville/Frankenmuth (Tuscola) 3285 3673 388.0 2847 3190 343.0 2169 2438 269.0
Romeo (Macomb) 3287 3686 399.0 2846 3201 355.0 2174 2455 281.0
Sandusky (Sanilac) 3162 3539 377.0 2732 3063 331.0 2078 2338 260.0
Average of stations in this region: 3265 3654 389 2827 3171 344 2157 2430 273
Difference in Liquid Precipitation Accumulation from Jan. 1 observed August 20 and September 4, 2024; issued September 4, 2024
  Rainfall Total (in.)  Rainfall Total (in.)    Hours with Rainfall  Hours with Rainfall   
Station (County) 20-Aug 4-Sep Difference 20-Aug 4-Sep Difference
Commerce (Oakland) 26.0 26.8 0.8 360 370 10.0
Deerfield (Monroe) 21.9 23.8 1.8 382 389 7.0
East Lansing MSU Hort (Ingham) 22.0 23.4 1.4 361 369 8.0
Emmett (St. Clair) 19.7 20.3 0.6 380 388 8.0
Flint (Genesee) 25.0 26.1 1.1 396 400 4.0
Freeland (Saginaw) 17.5 18.1 0.6 300 305 5.0
Hudson (Lenawee) 21.5 21.9 0.4 367 371 4.0
Ithaca (Gratiot) 19.0 19.2 0.2 413 417 4.0
Lapeer (Lapeer) 22.7 23.7 1.0 495 502 7.0
Linwood (Bay) 20.4 20.9 0.5 338 344 6.0
Pigeon (Huron) . . . . . .
Richville/Frankenmuth (Tuscola) 23.0 23.8 0.8 356 362 6.0
Romeo (Macomb) 26.2 26.9 0.8 373 384 11.0
Sandusky (Sanilac) 17.9 18.2 0.3 481 487 6.0
Average of stations in this region: 21.7 22.5 0.8 384.8 391.4 6.6

More information and reports on normal weather conditions and departures from normal can be found on the NOAA Climate Prediction Center website, NOAA U.S. Climate Normals website, NOAA Climate Normals Quick Access Page (which may be searched by region), and Midwest Regional Climate Center website.


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