CSUS Graduate Alumni
Payam Aminpour, PhD
CSUS - Modeling, Decision Support Systems, Complexity
Ebenezer Offei Ansah, PhD
CSUS - International Development, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
Tatevik Avetisyan, PhD
CSUS - Agri-Food System Change and Entrepreneurship, Risk in Food System Organizations
Cynthia Balthazar, PhD
CSUS - International Development; Education and Civic Engagement
Astri Briliyanti, MS - A
STPAM - Tourism Planning, Community-based Tourism
Maíra Brondizio, MS-A
CSUS - Media coverage of hydroelectric dams
Nathan Brugnone, PhD
CSUS - Complex {Adaptive} Systems, Computational Mathematics, Social-Ecological Systems Modeling, Machine Learning
Jessica Brunacini, PhD
CSUS - Social Dimensions of Climate Change Adaptation / Environmental Science and Policy
Aimee Buckley, MS-B
CSUS - Food animals and society; community food systems; meat value chains
Harry Castle, MS-A
CSUS - Food Systems and Agriculture
Laura Castro Diaz, PhD
CSUS - Natural Resources Management/ Environmental Science & Policy
Noleen Chikowore, PhD
CSUS - Environmental Governance, Urban Sustainability, Informality, Social Identities and Livelihoods
Jessica Crawford, MS-A
CSUS - Renewable Energy Acceptance and Decision-Making
Maheshwari Elapata, PhD
CSUS - Agricultural Extension, Food Security, Resilience
Angel Forde, PhD
STPAM - Tourism Development, Natural Resources Management and Environmental Policy
Adelyn Geissel, MS-B
STPAM - Applying Sustainability and Community Engagement to Parks Systems
Andrew Gerard, PhD
CSUS - Sustainable International Development
Sudha Kannan, PhD
CSUS - Energy Economics and International Development
Bethany Laursen, PhD
CSUS - Integrative reasoning
Anna Lee, MS-B
STPAM - Natural Resource Management and Planning, Outdoor Recreation, Equine Tourism
Julie Markiewicz, MS-B
CSUS - Environmental Education, Community Engagement, and Interpretation
Morgan MathisonSlee, PhD
CSUS - Resilience of food systems
Dennis Maxwell, MS-B
STPAM - Universal access to parks and protected areas
Patricia McKay, PhD
CSUS - Human Dimensions and Decision Management
Manasi Mishra, MS-A
CSUS - Women empowerment and collective action, social justice, gender studies and international development
Rachel Nanteza, MS-A
CSUS - Water Access and Distributive Justice of Water
Natalia Ocampo Diaz, MS-A
CSUS - Community-based management, decision-making, common and collective property
Arie Oosterom, MS-B
STPAM - Protected Areas Management, Natural Resource Recreation, Overtourism, Visitor Experience and Resource Protection
Teguh Amor Patria, PhD
STPAM - Community-based heritage tourism; community-based tourism entrepreneurship
Silvana Peralta Bogarin, MS-A
CSUS - Food Systems and Agricultural Extension Services
Mohd Aswad Ramlan, PhD
STPAM - Outdoor Recreation for Special Populations
Annisa Meutia Ratri, MS-A
CSUS - Coastal/Fishing Communities, Social Change, Human Wellbeing and Livelihood
Udita Sanga, PhD
CSUS - Environmental Science & Policy
Ellie Schiappa, MS-A
CSUS - Water Recreation & Access / Community Engagement and Outreach
Diana Seales, PhD
CSUS - Environmental Justice, Gender & Community Action
Shubhechchha Sharma, PhD
CSUS - Resilience in natural resources and food systems
Garrett Sieloff, MS-A
CSUS - Water Policy and Water Access
Ashley Stoltenberg, MS-B
CSUS - International Development; Community Engagement
Kyu Kyu Thin, MS-A
CSUS - Community sustainability, technology adoption, sustainable agriculture practices
Linnea Vicari, MS-A
CSUS - Urban agriculture as a revitalization tool in mid-sized Rust Belt cities, sustainable and equitable food systems, community engagement