Heather Triezenberg, Ph.D.

Heather Triezenberg

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Ph.D. Natural Resources Policy and Management, 2010, Cornell University
M.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Management, 2006, Michigan State University
B.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Management, 2002, Michigan State University


As Associate Director and Program Leader for Michigan Sea Grant, Dr. Heather Triezenberg coordinates the Sea Grant Extension Program through Michigan State University (MSU) Extension’s Community, Food & Environment Institute. As a member of the Michigan Sea Grant Management Team, Triezenberg guides integrated program planning, implementation, evaluation, partnerships and collaborations, and pre-/post-award activities. She joined Michigan Sea Grant in 2014 as an Extension Specialist and Program Coordinator and was named Associate Director in 2022.

Dr. Triezenberg has a faculty appointment in the MSU Fisheries and Wildlife Department where she conducts social science research. Her work explores how stakeholders perceive risks related to a variety of Great Lakes issues and community-engaged approaches for Extension, outreach, and engagement scholarship. She is an affiliate of the MSU Institute of Water Research, and a board member to the MSU Quantitative Fisheries Center and the MSU Institute of Water Research.  

Heather is a graduate of the Great Lakes Leadership Academy Advancement Program focusing on leading for the common good. She is past chair (2021-2022) of the Assembly of Sea Grant Extension Program Leaders, which included being a liaison to NOAA’s National Sea Grant Advisory Board, the Sea Grant Association Network Advisory Council, and ex-officio member of the Sea Grant Association Program Mission Committee. She previously served as chair-elect (2019-2020) and an at-large member (2016-2017) of the Assembly of Sea Grant Extension Program Leaders. Heather was a member of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System Board Science Collaborative Advisory Board from 2017-2022. She has received numerous honors and awards, including the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals gold award for a referred journal article, NASA-MSU for early career scholars fellowship, and a MSU Extension meritorious service award.

Current Research:

  • Risk perception and communication related to Great Lakes coastal hazards.
  • Stewardship motivations and collaborative governance of Great Lakes coastal wildlife management areas.

Publications (nee Van Den Berg):

Clites, E., Triezenberg, H.A., and Doberneck, D. (2024). Aligning Audience Needs with Scientists’ Information in the Complex Harmful Algal Bloom Outreach to Engagement Continuum. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 181(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1936-704X.2024.3408.x

Triezenberg, H. A., Hunnell, J., Elgin, E., Bhakta, B., and Bohling, M. (2024). Evaluation of the Michigan Water School: Water Education Program for Local Leaders. The Journal of Extension, 61(3), Article 18. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.61.03.18

Hunnell, J., Triezenberg, H.A., Schroeder, B.C., and Gass, M.J. (2023). Sea Grant Center for Great Lakes Literacy Shipboard Science Workshop Evaluation. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 178(1), 31-46. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1936-704X.2023.3390.x  

Carson, M. A., Doberneck, D. M., Hart, Z., Kelsey, H., Pierce, J. Y. Porter, D. E., Richlen, M. L., Schandera, L. and Triezenberg, H. A. (2022). A strategic framework for community engagement in oceans and human health. Community Science, 1(1), https://doi.org/10.1029/2022CSJ000001

Pavloski, E. L., and Triezenberg, H. A. (2021). Fish Disease Outreach Messages: Testing of Gain and Loss Frames. Journal of Extension, 59(2), Article 2. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.59.02.02

Hunnell, J., Triezenberg, H. A., & Doberneck, D. (2020) Training early career Great Lakes scientists for Effective Engagement and Impact. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, volume 170, 19-34.

Triezenberg, H.A., Doberneck, D., Campa, H., III and Taylor, W.W. (2020), Mid‐ and High‐Engagement Programs to Develop Future Fisheries Management Professionals’ Skills. Fisheries, 45: 544-553. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10480

Walcott, E. and Triezenberg, H.A. (2020). A critical time for Extension leadership in public policy education programmingJournal of Extension, 58(1) Article v58-1a1.

Pavloski, E. L., Triezenberg, H. A., Takahaski, B., & Taylor, W. W. (2019). Using risk perceptions to develop effective Great Lakes aquatic invasive species outreach. Journal of Extension [On-line], 57(5). Available at: https://www.joe.org/joe/2019october/rb5.php

Good, M., Taylor, W.W., Carlson, A.K., Scholze, T., Triezenberg, H.A., and Lambe, R. (2019). The changing face of Great Lakes fisheries. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. 22(3):355-367, DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2019.1657688

Walcott, E. and Triezenberg, H.A. (2018). Public Policy Education Principles & Guidelines for MSU Extension, 2018 revision. Available: https://www.canr.msu.edu/resources/public-policy-education-principles-guidelines-for-msu-extension

Whyte, J. H. and Triezenberg, H. A. (2018). Community planners’ perceptions of coastal risk: An evaluation of the Michigan Association of Planning community resiliency institute. Michigan Sea Grant College Program, Michigan State University Extension. East Lansing, MI.

Triezenberg, H.A., Riley, B., Herreman, K., Knudson, W., Infante, D., and Taylor, W. (2018). Commercial aquaculture in Michigan siting guidebook. Michigan Sea Grant College Program MICHU-18-201.

Triezenberg, H. A. & Knuth, B.A. (2018) Limiting conflicts when managing public lands for furbearer trapping and dog-related recreation. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 42(4): 559-567. DOI:10.1002/wsb.931

Riley, S.J., Ford, J.K, Triezenberg, H.A., Lederle, P. (2018) Stakeholder Trust in a State Wildlife Agency. Journal of Wildlife Management, 82(7): 1528-1535. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21501

Triezenberg, H. A. & Knuth, B.A. (2018) Predicting Positive Outcomes for Waterfowl Hunters and Waterfront Residents. Journal of Wildlife Management, 82(6): 1311-1319. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21471

Liu, J. Connor, T., Friis, C., Challies, E., Newig, J., Romulo, C., Herzberger, A., Roche, J., Silva, R., Chung, M. G., Zimmerer, K., Batistella, M., Parish, E., Sun, J., Millington, J., Lenschow, A., Mechiche-Alami, A., Basher, Z, Zhao, Z., Dou, Y., Treglia, M., Triezenberg, H., Huettmann, F., Yang, H. (2018). Spillover systems in a telecoupled Anthropocene: Typology, methods, and governance for global sustainability.  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.

Triezenberg, H.A., Riley, S.J. & Gore, M.L. (2016). Efficacy of communication in changing behaviors of antlerless deer hunters. Journal of Wildlife Management, 80(5):941–946; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21078

Youn, S. J., Allison, E. H., Fuentevilla, C., Funge-Smith, S., Triezenberg, H. A., Parker, M., Thilsted, S., Onyango, P., Akpalu, W., Holtgrieve, G., Good, M.J., & Muise, S. (2016). The underappreciated livelihood contributions of inland fisheries and the societal consequences of their neglect in Freshwater, Fish, and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference, C. Goddard, N. Leonard, W. W. Taylor, and D. Bartley (Eds.). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. 

Triezenberg, H.A., Gore, M.L., Lapinski, M.K. & Riley, S.J. (2014). Role of persuasive communication for achieving wildlife health goals. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 38(4):734-740.  DOI: 10.10002/wsb.462

Triezenberg, H.A., Gore, M.L., Riley, S.J., & Lapinski, M.K. (2014). Perceived risks from disease and management policies: an expansion and testing of a zoonotic disease risk perception model. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19(2):123-138. DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2014.844288

Triezenberg, H.A., Lauber, T. B., & Knuth, B.A. (2012).  Policy learning and deer co-management in New York State:  Insights from Newspaper Coverage.  Journal of Wildlife Management, 76(6):1317-1325.

Triezenberg, H.A., Knuth, B.A., Yuan, Y.C., & Dickinson, J.L. (2012). Social networking and collective action models of citizen science:  Theory meets possibility.  In Dickinson, J.L. & Bonney, R. (Eds.) Citizen Science: New Frontiers for Enhanced Public Collaboration in Environmental Research.

Triezenberg, H.A., Knuth, B.A., & Yuan, Y. C. (2011).  Social Networks and Collective Actions: Relationship of Network Positions and Framing of Public Issues in Wildlife Management.  Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 16:381-396.

Van Den Berg, H.A., Riley, S.J., & Dann, S.L. (2011).  Conservation education for advancing natural resources knowledge and building capacity for volunteerism.  Society & Natural Resources, 24(3):205-220.

Van Den Berg, H.A., Dann, S.L., & Dirkx, J.M. (2009). Motivations of Adults for Non-formal Conservation Education and Volunteerism:  Implications for Programming.  Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 8:6-17.

Van Den Berg, H.A. & Dann, S.L. (2008). Evaluation of an Adult Extension Education Initiative: The Michigan Conservation Stewards Program.  Journal of Extension [On-line], 46(2). Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2008april/rb1.shtml

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Michigan Sea Grant