Mohammad Mohiuddin, PhD

Mohammad Mohiuddin

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Assistant Professor
School of Packaging


Research Interests

Dr. Mohammad Mohiuddin’s current research primarily focuses on Packaging Mass Transfer, Food-Contact Materials (FCM), Product-Package Interaction, and Toxicology, with an emphasis on improving product safety and functionality in packaging systems. A significant aspect of his work involves the development of multi-layer polymeric nanofilms to enhance barrier properties for these applications. His work includes exploring advanced materials and technologies to address challenges in these areas, such as migration testing, barrier performance, and toxicity analysis.  Additionally, his research extends to related areas such as automotive packaging, paperonics and the processing and characterization of bio-nanocomposites, nanomaterials etc.

Dr. Mohiuddin also has expertise in Solid Mechanics and Polymer Composites. His prior research includes Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-based thermoplastics for the development of pressure and temperature sensors, composite materials, and computational solid mechanics.

An advocate for advancing education, Dr. Mohiuddin has a keen interest in teaching methods and curricular design. He earned a certificate in University Teaching from the Centre for Teaching & Learning Services (CTLS) at Concordia University during his doctoral studies. Dr. Mohiuddin has published articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented his research at international conferences across the USA, UK, Canada, Portugal, and Malaysia.

Research Experiences

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Mechanical, Automotive & Materials Eng. University of Windsor, ON, Canada (2016-2017)
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical & Industrial Eng. Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada (2005-2012)

 Teaching Experiences

  • Assistant Professor, School of Packaging, Michigan State University (2021 - current)
  • Fixed-Term Faculty, School of Engineering and Technology, Central Michigan University (January-May 2019)
  • LEO Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan-Flint (Sept.-Dec. 2018)
  • Sessional Instructor, Mechanical, Automotive & Materials Eng. University of Windsor, ON, Canada (Summer 2017, 2018)
  • Teaching Faculty, Mechanical & Industrial Eng. Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada (2008-2011)
  • Assistant Professor/Lecturer, Mechanical Eng. Dhaka University of Eng. & Tech. (DUET), Bangladesh (2001-2004)


  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada 2012
  • M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Eng. & Tech. (BUET) 2003
  • B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Eng. & Tech. (BUET) 1999


  • PKG 315– Packaging Decision Systems
  • PKG 432 – Packaging Processes
  • PKG 801– Packaging Materials
  • PKG 804– Packaging Machineries
  • PKG 817– Instrumental Analysis of Packaging Materials