• Mortality Record Sheet

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used to record the mortality within the swine facility.

  • Handling Equipment SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    Good handling practices will be prioritized on the farm. It is understood that using low-stress handling practices contributes to the well-being and positive impact of the animal, caretaker, and the pork industry.

  • Needle and Sharp Usage SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    The animal care practices on this farm may require the use of needles to administer injectable medications to the animals. The caretaker responsible for providing the animals with these treatments must be well trained in the needle use guidelines.

  • Visitor and Service Persons Biosecurity Policy SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    The primary risk from people entering the facility is tracking in contaminated materials on their possessions, clothing, and body from direct and indirect contact with pigs.

  • Feeding and Watering SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    Animal behavior can be greatly affected by the availability of feed and water. Feed and water equipment should be maintained and in working order.

  • Farm Visitor Log-In Sheet

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is to use to log in visitors into the swine facility.

  • Individual Caretaker Training Record

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used to record the individual caretaker training at the swine facility.

  • Daily Temperature Record Sheet

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used to record the daily temperatures throughout the swine facility.

  • Emergency Action Plan SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used to record the daily temperatures throughout the swine facility.

  • Euthanasia Action Plan SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used write down an action plan for proper and human euthanasia for the swine facility.