Module 01: Integrating Gender in Policy Research and Outreach


This training consists of two parts: (1) review of a recording of the February 6, 2020 webinar by Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Elizabeth Bryan of IFPRI on integrating gender in policy research and outreach; and (2) a live Zoom session with plenary discussions and breakout rooms on June 9, 2020.

Prior to the live Zoom session, participants were asked to use the concepts and tools from the webinar recording and other knowledge they had developed regarding gender integration to reflect upon how they and their team could apply these lessons learned to better integrate gender in their PRCI research and outreach project, and in their work more broadly.

Webinar Objectives

Discuss “key gender issues and entry points for policy research and outreach, focusing on processes for integrating gender into each stage of the research process, including priority setting, research design, methodologies, conduct of research, and communications for impact” (View the Webinar at this Link).

Live Zoom Session Objectives

  • Share plans for integrating gender into PRCI research activities
  • Reflect on potential for further gender integration based on learning from the webinar or other interactions
  • Elaborate on gender-focused research areas including research topics, methods, and data collection strategies
  • Identify needs for further capacity strengthening for integrating gender in center’s research


Ruth Meinzen-Dick (IFPRI), Elizabeth Bryan (IFPRI), Veronique Theriault (MSU), Saweda Liverpool-Tasie (MSU), Nicole Mason-Wardell (MSU), David Tschirley (MSU)

To access the training materials click on the "Begin Module" link below, you will then be asked to complete a short (one-minute) survey before the materials can be downloaded. The purpose of this survey is to allow PRCI to know the numbers and types of people using the materials.  No private information of any kind will be shared outside of PRCI leadership.

Begin Module