Publications (View all Hennessy’s publications on Google Scholar sorted by year)
Selected Publications
- X. Du, H. Feng, D.A. Hennessy. 2016. “Rationality of Choices in Subsidized Crop Insurance Markets.” Main Text, Supplemental Material, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming.
- Miao, R., H. Feng, D.A. Hennessy, X. Du. 2016. “Assessing Cost-effectiveness of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Interactions between CRP and Crop Insurance.” Main Text, Supplemental Material, Land Economics. Forthcoming.
- Wei, Xinjie, Wanlong Lin, and D.A. Hennessy. "Biosecurity and Disease Management in China’s Animal Agriculture Sector." Food Policy, 54(July, 2015):52-64.
- Wang, Tong and D.A. Hennessy. “Strategic Interactions Among Private and Public Efforts when Preventing and Stamping Out a Highly Infectious Animal Disease.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(2, 2015):435-451.
- Miao, Ruiqing, D.A. Hennessy, and Hongli Feng. “Sodbusting, Crop Insurance and Sunk Conversion Costs.” Land Economics, 90(4, 2014):601-622.
- Wang, Tong and D.A. Hennessy. “Modeling Interdependent Participation Incentives: Dynamics of a Voluntary Livestock Disease Control Program.” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 41(4, 2014):681-706.
- Du, Xiaodong, D.A. Hennessy, and Hongli Feng. “A Natural Resource Theory of U.S. Crop Insurance Contract Choice.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96(January, 1, 2014):232-252.
- Xu, Zheng, D.A. Hennessy, Kavita Sardana, and GianCarlo Moschini. “The Realized Yield Effect of GM Crops: U.S. Maize and Soybean.” Crop Science 53(May, 2013):735-745.
- Du, Xiaodong, D.A. Hennessy, and Cindy Yu. “Testing Day’s Conjecture that More Nitrogen Decreases Crop Yield Skewness.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94(January, 2012):225–237.
- Lapan, Harvey E., and D.A. Hennessy. “Unit vs. Ad Valorem Taxes in Multi-Product Cournot Oligopoly.” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 13(February, 2011):125–137.
- Hennessy, D.A., and Harvey E. Lapan. "Harmonic Symmetries of Imperfect Competition on Circular City." Journal of Mathematical Economics, 45(January, 2009):124–146.
- Hennessy, D.A. "Behavioral Incentives, Equilibrium Endemic Disease, and Health Management Policy for Farmed Animals." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 89(August, 2007):698–711.
- Hennessy, D.A., and Harvey E. Lapan. "On the Nature of Certainty Equivalent Functionals." Journal of Mathematical Economics, 43(December, 2006):1–10.
- Hennessy, D.A. "On Monoculture and the Structure of Crop Rotations." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(November, 2006):900–914.
- Hennessy, D.A., and GianCarlo Moschini. "Regulatory Actions Under Adjustment Costs and the Resolution of Scientific Uncertainty." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(May, 2006):308–323.
- Roosen, Jutta, and D.A. Hennessy. "Testing for the Monotone Likelihood Ratio Assumption.” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 22(June, 2004):358–366.
- Hennessy, D.A. "Property Rights, Productivity, and the Nature of Noncontractible Actions in a Franchise." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 52(December, 2003):443–668.
- Hennessy, D.A., and Harvey E. Lapan. "A Definition of ‘More Systematic Risk’ with Some Welfare Implications." Economica, 70(August, 2003):493–507.
- Hennessy, D.A., and Harvey E. Lapan. "The Use of Archimedean Copulas to Model Portfolio Allocations." Mathematical Finance, 12(April, 2002):143–154.
- Lapan, Harvey E., and D.A. Hennessy. "Symmetry and Order in the Portfolio Allocation Problem." Economic Theory, 19(4, 2002):747–772.
- Hennessy, D.A., and Jutta Roosen. "Stochastic Pollution, Permits, and Merger Incentives." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 37(May, 1999):211–232.
- Roosen, Jutta, D.A. Hennessy, John A. Fox, and A. Alan Schreiber. "An Experimental Analysis of Willingness to Pay for Pesticide-Free and Cosmetically Impaired Apples." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 23(December, 1998):367–384.
- Hennessy, D.A. "The Production Effects of Agricultural Income Support Policies Under Uncertainty." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80(February 1998):46–57.
- Hennessy, D.A. "Stochastic Technologies and the Adoption Decision." Journal of Development Economics, 54(December 1997):437–453.
- Hennessy, D.A. "Information Asymmetry as a Reason for Food Industry Vertical Integration." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 78(November 1996):1034–1043.