All Publications (View all Horan’s publications in Google Scholar sorted by year)
Selected Publication
Melstrom, R.T., and R.D. Horan (2013), “Interspecies Management and Land Use Strategies to Protect Endangered Species” Environmental and Resource Economics DOI: 10.1007/s10640-013-9699-y.
Melstrom, R.T., and R.D. Horan (2013), “Managing Excessive Predation in a Predator-Endangered Prey Setting” Ecological Economics 90: 85-93.
Bulte, E.H. and R.D. Horan (2011). “Intergenerational Transmission of Preferences” Economics Letters 112: 85-87.
Shortle, J.S., M.O. Ribaudo, R.D. Horan, and D. Blandford (2012) “Reforming Agricultural Nonpoint Pollution Policy in an Increasingly Budget-Constrained Environment” Environmental Science & Technology 46(3): 1316-1325.
Horan, R.D. and R.T. Melstrom (2011). “No Sympathy for the Devil” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 62(3): 367-385.
Horan, R.D., E.P. Fenichel, K. Drury, and D.M. Lodge (2011). “Managing Ecological Thresholds in Coupled Environmental-Human Systems” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108: 7333-7338.
Fenichel, E.P., C. Castillo-Chavez, M.G. Ceddia, G. Chowell-Puente, P.A. Gonzalez-Parra, G.J. Hickling, G. Holloway, R.D. Horan, B. Morrin, C. Perrings, M. Springborn, L. Velazquez, and C. Villalobos (2011). “Adaptive Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108: 6306-6311.
Horan, R.D., E.P. Fenichel, C.A. Wolf, and B.M. Gramig (2010). “Managing Infectious Animal Disease Systems” Annual Review of Resource Economics 2: 101-124.
Bulte, E.H., and R.D. Horan. (2010). Identities in the Commons: Dynamics and Norms of Social Capital. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10 (1): Article 13 (Topics).
Fenichel, E.P., R.D. Horan, and J.R. Bence. (2010). Indirect Management of Invasive Species Through Bio-Controls: A Bioeconomic Model of Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan. Resource and Energy Economics 32 500-518.
Gramig, B.M., R.D. Horan, and C.A. Wolf. (2009). Livestock Disease Indemnity Design when Moral Hazard is Followed by Adverse Selection. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91 627-641.
Horan, R.D., E.H. Bulte, and J.F. Shogren. (2008). Coevolution of Human Speech and Trade. Journal of Economic Growth 13 293-313.
Horan, R.D. and E.P. Fenichel (2007). “Economics and Ecology of Managing Emerging Infectious Animal Diseases” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89: 1232-1238.
Fenichel, E.P., and R.D. Horan. (2007). Gender-Based Harvesting in Wildlife Disease Management. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89: 904-920.
Horan, R.D., E.H. Bulte, and J.F. Shogren (2005). “How Trade Saved Humanity from Biological Exclusion: An Economic Theory of Neanderthal Extinction” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 58: 1-29.
Horan, R.D. and C.A. Wolf (2005). “The Economics of Managing Infectious Wildlife Disease” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87: 537-551.
Horan, R.D. and J.S. Shortle (2005). “When Two Wrongs Make a Right: Second-Best Point-Nonpoint Trading Ratios” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(2): 340-352.
Bulte, E.H., R.D. Horan, and J.F. Shogren (2003). “Elephants: Comment” American Economic Review 93(4): 1437‑1445.
Bulte, E.H. and R.D. Horan (2003). “Habitat Conservation, Wildlife Extraction, and Agricultural Expansion” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 45: 109-127.
Horan, R.D., J.S. Shortle, and D.G. Abler (1998). “Ambient Taxes when Polluters Have Multiple Choices” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 36: 186-199.