
All Publications (View all Smale’s publications on Google Scholar sorted by year)

Selected Publications

Smale, M., Assima, A., Kergna, A., Theriault, V., and Weltzien, E. 2018. Farm family effects of adopting improved and hybrid sorghum seed in the Sudan Savanna of West Africa. Food Policy, 74(January): 162-171.

Haider, H., M. Smale, and V. Thériault. 2017. Intensification and Intra-Household Decisions: Fertilizer Adoption on Collective and Individual Fields in Burkina Faso.  World Development.

Smale, M., Y. Kusunose, M. Mathenge, and D. Alia. 2016. Destination or Distraction? Querying the Linkage between Off-Farm Work and Food Crop Investments in Kenya. Journal of African Economies 25 (3): 388-401. doi: 10.1093/jae/ejv032.

Smale, M. L. Diakite and N. Keita. Participation in Village Markets, Millet Diversity, and Household Welfare in Mali. 2012.  Environment and Development Economics.

Smale, M., P. Zambrano, G. Gruére, J. Falck-Zepeda, I. Matuschke, D. Horna, L. Nagarajan, I. Yerramareddy, H. Jones. 2009. Measuring the Economic Impacts of Transgenic Crops in Developing Agriculture During the First Decade: Approaches, Findings, and Future Directions. Food Policy Review 10. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC.

Smale, M. (ed). 2006. Valuing Crop Biodiversity: On-Farm Genetic Resources and Economic Change. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CAB International.

Smale, M., M.P. Reynolds, M. Warburton, B. Skovmand, R. Trethowan, R.P. Singh, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, J. Crossa. 2002. Dimensions of Diversity in Modern Spring Bread Wheat in Developing Countries since 1965. Crop Science 42: 1766-1779.

Heisey, P., M. Smale, D. Byerlee, E. Souza. 1997. Wheat Rusts and the Costs of Genetic Diversity in the Punjab of Pakistan. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79: 726-737.

Smale, M., P.W. Heisey and H.D. Leathers. 1995. Maize of the Ancestors and Modern Varieties: The Microeconomics of HYV Adoption in Malawi, Economic Development and Cultural Change 43 (January): 351-368.