field pennycress

Field pennycress – Thlaspi arvense

Thlaspi arvense L.

Brassicaceae (Mustard family)

MI Status


Life cycle

Erect winter or summer annual.


Leaves initially develop from a basal rosette. Lower leaves are oval to spatula-shaped with wavy to slightly toothed margins, rounded tips and distinct petioles. Upper leaves are alternate with toothed to smooth margins and clasping bases. Basal leaves fall off before maturity.


Erect, mostly 2-foot-tall stems with varied branching bolt from a basal
rosette to flower.

Flowers and fruit

White flowers with four small petals are found in terminal clusters. Fruit are flat, round to oval, distinctly winged, 1/2-inch-wide pods with a prominent notch at the tip.



Field pennycress plant
Field pennycress plant
Field pennycress rosette
Field pennycress rosette
Field pennycress flowers
Field pennycress flowers
Field pennycress fruit
Field pennycress fruit

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