An Improved Trap for Passive Capture of Demersal Eggs during Spawning: An Efficiency Comparison with Egg Nets

January 1, 1991 - J. Ellen Marsden; Charles C. Krueger; Harry M. Hawkins

Journal or Book Title: North America Journal of Fisheries Management

Volume/Issue: 11

Page Number(s): 364-368

Year Published: 1991


Assessment of spawning activity in deep water would be facilitated by egg collection devices that could be deployed and retrieved from the surface, were resistant to severe weather conditions, and protected eggs after capture. The egg trap described herein fulfills these criteria. Moreover, eggs are easily removed from the trap after retrieval, and the trap can be manufactured inexpensively in large quantities (US$8 per trap). Laboratory tests indicated the trap excluded more eggs than did previously described egg nets but retained eggs more effectively after capture. In field trials of paired nets and traps during natural spawning, the traps captured almost three times more eggs than the nets (P < 0.05) and damaged a smaller percentage of the eggs.


Type of Publication: Journal Article


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