Small Potatoes, Big Impact: Michigan Farm to School Potato Processing Partnership Case Study


June 4, 2024 - <> and <>

Potatoes are a highly accepted vegetable among students and have a high-volume potential. This resource examines the results of potato processing trials at a Michigan school district. Dan Gorman, farm to school innovator and food service director for Montague Area Public Schools, wanted to explore the possibility of processing Michigan produce in-house along with a more nutritious implementation as roasted potatoes, in place of french fries.  

Peeled and chopped potatoes are placed on baking sheets in a speed rack.
Potatoes are chopped and frozen to make it easier for schools to prepare.

As recipients of a sub-award from the Michigan Department of Education’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, through the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, MSU Extension supported the development of this potato processing program at Montague Area Public Schools. This aligns with the award’s goal to fund farm to school supply chain development in support of the 10 Cents a Meal program.  

This resource can be used to explore the possibility of in-school processing for Michigan grown produce, as well as the supply chain challenges that may arise between farmers and institutions.  



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