Strengthened African policy research institute analysis for policies to address short- and medium-term impacts of the global crisis in food, fuel and fertilizer


February 23, 2023

MSU, through the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research, Capacity and Influence (PRCI), is supporting the Africa Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (ANAPRI) to consolidate research across fertilizer and soil health policy. The supplemental funding will allow ANAPRI to establish links between the multiple sources of shocks affecting food systems—climate change, shocks related to the Ukraine war, disruptions from localized conflicts, continuing disruptions from earlier policy responses to COVID-19, and others. The funding is being channeled through the project “Strengthened African policy research institute analysis and convening for evidence-based policies to address short- and medium-term impacts of the global crisis in food, fuel and fertilizer availability and prices.”

The project has three substantive research workstreams, namely: (i) Country-level assessments of prices and availability of food, fertilizers and fuel; (ii) Documentation and assessment of policy responses to the shocks stemming from the Russian war on Ukraine; and (iii) Modelling the scope for substitution in consumption by consumers to buffer the impacts of price surges on consumption and poverty. This brief covers workstreams (i) and (ii) which will be implemented through collaboration between ANAPRI and MSU.


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