Survival, Growth, Movement, and Distribution of Two Brook Trout Strains Stocked into Small Adirondack Streams
DOWNLOADJuly 6, 2015 - Charles Krueger , Henry K. Van Offelen, Carl L. Schofield
Journal or Book Title: North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Volume/Issue: 13:1
Page Number(s): 86-95
Year Published: 1993
Six field trials were conducted in two streams to compare the survival, growth, movement, and distribution of young-of-year Assinica strain and Temiscamie strain brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis 15-91 d after stocking. No consistent differences between strains in recovery after stocking or in growth were detected; however, movement and distribution within streams differed consistently between strains. Approximately four Temiscamie to one Assinica fish moved downstream 2-15 h after stocking. At the conclusion of five trials, the strains were dissimilarly distributed within streams (distribution was not assessed in the sixth trial): a large proportion of Assinica fish were found in the most upstream section of the streams, whereas a large proportion of Temiscamie fish were found in the most downstream section. These differences in movement and distribution may be related to the origins of the strains in large lake systems in Quebec, where spawning occurs in inlet and outlet streams. Assinica fish, which have a probable outlet origin and which moved
upstream in this investigation, may be better suited for stocking in areas downstream of where brook trout are to be established. Conversely, their probable inlet origin and demonstrated downstream movement make Temiscamie fish candidates for stocking in upstream areas.
DOI: 10.1577/1548-8675(1993)0132.3.CO;2
Type of Publication: Journal Article