C.S. Mott Fellowship

We invite MSU faculty to nominate graduate students for the C.S. Mott Pre-doctoral Fellowships in Sustainable Agriculture for the 2025-2026  academic year. These fellowships are intended for students beginning a Ph.D. program in the 2025-2026 academic year and engaging in research relevant to sustainable agriculture and food systems, broadly defined.
There will be two to three fellowships of $39,000 each awarded this year. The amount is parallel to the cost of a 9-month assistantship, but the fellowship can be utilized any time during their graduate study, pending completion of a satisfactory annual report by July 1 of each year (for example, $39,000 in one year, or $13,000 each year for 3 years).
A fellowship provides financial support to graduate students to pursue their graduate studies without associated teaching or research responsibilities.  Mott Fellows are required to participate in the MSU Graduate Specialization in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS).
To nominate a student, the faculty member should send:
  1. a copy of the student’s graduate application package
  2. a short essay from the prospective student outlining their interest in studying sustainable agriculture and food systems, their interest in joining the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS) program, and a description of how they will contribute to MSU’s diversity, equity and inclusion goals
  3. a recommendation letter from the faculty advisor concerning: 1) the applicant’s probable dissertation area and relevance to sustainable agriculture, and 2) summary of the applicant’s academic and professional achievements including honors and awards.
Please send all nominations electronically in one PDF to the SAFS program email (safs@msu.edu).
Nominations are due on January 30, 2025.  Award offers will be made in March 2025.
Jason Rowntree, PhD, CS Mott Chair of Sustainable Agriculture, Professor, Animal Science
Katherine Alaimo, PhD, Director, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems; Associate Professor, FSHN