• Commercial Vegetable Recommendations: Cole Crops

    Published on February 11, 2016
    This bulletin has been prepared as a guide for commercial production of the cole crops.

  • Hoophouses webinar

    Published on January 11, 2016
    Getting started with hoophouses webinar

  • Asparagus Miner Facts

    Published on December 4, 2015
    The asparagus miner was introduced into North America from Europe, and was first found along the northeast coast of the United States in 1869.

  • Integrated Pest Management Scouting in Vegetable Crops

    Published on November 23, 2015
    Scouting and monitoring for pests is a critical step in quantifying the potential damage that can be caused by a pest and implementing management strategies that are appropriately timed for maximum effect.

  • Model Business Plan for Season Extension Hoophouses

    Published on November 16, 2015
    Growers can learn whether adding a hoophouse to their nursery, vegetable or floral production systems would be economically viable by using the information and spreadsheets contained in this plan.

  • Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers

    Published on November 11, 2015
    This annual guide is a summary of currently suggested vegetable varieties, seeding rates, fertilizer rates, weed control, insect control and disease control measures for commercial growers. A version of this publication is available at http://mwveguide.org

  • Lime for Michigan Soils

    Published on November 10, 2015
    This bulletin covers the nature of soil acidity, the need and importance of liming the soil to neutralize acidity, comparisons of various liming materials and their neutralizing values, and guidelines for liming soils for crops grown in Michigan.

  • Secondary and Micro-nutrients for Vegetable and Field Crops

    Published on November 10, 2015
    Plant nutrients in fertilizers are classified as major nutrients and micronutrients. The most important major nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Plants require these nutrients in relatively large amounts.

  • Nutrient Recommendations for Vegetable Crops in Michigan

    Published on November 10, 2015
    Nutrient recommendations for vegetable crops grown in Michigan have evolved over the years, with changes based on observations and controlled field studies.

  • Plasticulture for Michigan Vegetable Production

    Published on November 10, 2015
    Modern production of several fresh vegetable crops is conducted with high inputs and high potential dollar returns per unit of land area. Vegetable growers continually look for ways to grow high-quality produce more economically, improve yields and extend