• Brown Leaf Spot

    Published on October 4, 2012
    Brown leaf spot: Alternaria alternata (Fries.) Keissler (Hyphomycetes, Hyphales)

  • Black Dot

    Published on October 4, 2012
    This Michigan Potato Diseases publication offers timely advice on identification and management. Black dot disease control and symptoms.

  • Potato Late Blight Risk Monitoring

    Published on July 26, 2012
    The Michigan Potato Diseases Late Blight Risk Monitoring website is a tool for vegetable growers to estimate environmental conditions.

  • Weather - Drought

    Published on July 2, 2012
    The MSU Extension Weather – Drought resource page provides timely information to agricultural producers as weather conditions impact their operation.

  • Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) test locations

    Published on April 9, 2012
    A list of state-wide Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) testings is available from Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development,

  • Cover Crop Choices for Michigan Vegetables

    Published on April 2, 2012
    Many vegetable growers plant a winter cereal cover crop such as rye to prevent soil erosion by wind and water. Cover crops and forage rotation systems help growers build a healthy soil for healthy vegetables and reduce inputs while maintaining profitabili

  • Cost of Production of Machine-harvested Pickling Cucumbers in Michigan

    Published on April 2, 2012
    This publication goes into many details about how much it costs to raise cucumbers.

  • Caterpillar Pests in Cole Crops

    Published on April 2, 2012
    This publication lists the type of caterpillars that do damage to cole crops and how to prevent the caterpillars from coming to your crops.

  • Fertilizer Recommendation Program

    Published on March 21, 2012

  • Integrated Pest Management Resources

    Published on March 21, 2012
    Michigan State University's Integrated Pest Management Resources provides industry specific seasonal update, weather resources and scouting resource.