About Us

Michigan has abundant wood resources that can sustainably contribute to a more secure and renewable energy future and improve our rural economies, and also save Michigan homeowners and business owners money. Increased use of these resources can be integrated with and actually enhance the existing agriculture and forestry sectors of our economy. MSU Extension together with its partners increases awareness, understanding, and adoption of sustainable wood energy systems throughout its educational offerings and informational online content.

We help individuals communities and stakeholders understand the benefits and possibilities of sustainable wood energy systems. The adoption of wood energy systems helps foster the development of small business, expand markets for low-value wood, and puts unused agricultural land back into production. This sustains rural economies, improves forest health, and reduces our dependence on fossil fuels. We identity and support systems that are environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable and beneficial. 

Our wood energy program:

  1. Assesses woody biomass supplies, energy infrastructure, and community readiness
  2. Features resources needed to raise awareness and reduce anxiety surrounding the use of wood energy in Michigan
  3. Supports the installation of one or more demonstration wood energy systems in Michigan that produce heat, power, combined heat and power (CHP), and/or district heating and cooling at the institutional or small community scale.


About the Michigan Wood Energy Team

The Michigan Wood Energy Team assesses Michigan’s woody biomass supplies, energy infrastructure, and community readiness related to wood energy. We also provide educational resources related to the use of wood energy in Michigan, and provide supporting materials for the installation of demonstration systems for wood energy combined heat and power or district heating and cooling systems at the institutional or small community scale. Learn more about our mission and our members.