Michigan 4-H is growing current and future leaders. The largest youth development organization in Michigan, 4-H provides thousands of young people with experiential learning opportunities to explore new interests and discover their passion

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Are you familiar with 4-H but are unsure what current opportunities are available for a young person in your life? Have you participated in a 4-H activity and want to connect on a deeper level? Whatever your answer is to these questions, we have an opportunity for youth to engage with us. Take this survey to see what programs might be of interest within the Michigan 4-H program. This survey has been refreshed and revised for 2024, so even if you’ve taken it before, consider taking it again!

You Belong in 4-H - Find Your SPARK! 

4-H is growing current and future leaders: growing kids who are confident and strong, curious enough to question and capable enough to find the answers; growing youth who stick to a job until the job gets done and know how to work with others, as well as lead.

4-H grows from the farms to the towns, and from the suburbs to the cities. Anywhere curiosity roams and confidence thrives. Anywhere technology can be advanced and achievement is valued. Anywhere positive change is possible and giving back moves communities forward. After all, true leaders aren’t born; they’re grown! 

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National 4-H Week


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