Opportunities at MSU


Graduate Research Assistant Position

Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability at Michigan State University has an opening for a self-motivated graduate student with interests in remote sensing, agricultural production, climate shocks, resilience, sustainability, telecoupling, and/or metacoupling. Working under the guidance of Jianguo (Jack) Liu and Andrés Viña, the graduate student (PhD or MS) will join an interdisciplinary and multi-institutional USDA-funded 5-year research project. This project will investigate the complex interactions and cumulative impacts of multiple shocks (e.g., climate change, disease outbreaks) on the resilience and sustainability of agri-food systems in the U.S. Midwest and beyond.

With a flexible starting date, the successful candidate will have opportunities to interact and work with a large interdisciplinary research team with expertise in agricultural economics and supply chain management, artificial intelligence and digital agriculture, food and nutritional science, modeling, remote sensing, social network analysis, K-12 educational outreach, rural development, science communication, system integration, sustainability, and sustainable food systems and food security, to explore new frontiers of interdisciplinary research.

Application materials include: (1) a letter of application, (2) CV or resume, (3) transcripts, (4) GRE scores, (5) TOEFL scores (for non-native English speakers only), (6) list of 3-4 references (names and contact information), and (7) up to three representative publications, if any. Unofficial copies of the transcripts, GRE, and TOEFL scores are OK initially. 

Please e-mail any questions and application materials to: Jianguo (Jack) Liu (liuji@msu.edu) and Andrés Viña (vina@msu.edu).  Applications will be reviewed starting March 31 and will continue until a qualified candidate is found.


Postdoctoral Associate -- Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability (Michigan State University) and USDA Midwest Climate Hub.

A self-motivated postdoctoral research associate is sought to join an exciting multi-institutional USDA-funded 5-year research project. The transdisciplinary team is investigating the complex interactions and cumulative impacts of multiple shocks (e.g., climate change and disease outbreaks) on the resilience and sustainability of agri-food systems in the U.S. Midwest and beyond.

The postdoctoral associate will work under the guidance of Drs. Jianguo (Jack) LiuAndrés Viña, and Julie Winkler at Michigan State University and Dr. Dennis Todey at the USDA Midwest Climate Hub. These scholars are experts in the areas of climate science, remote sensing, systems integration, and sustainability science. They are members of a large transdisciplinary research team that includes expertise in agricultural economics and supply chain management, artificial intelligence and digital agriculture, food and nutritional science, modeling, social network analysis, K-12 educational outreach, rural development, science communication, and sustainable food systems and food security. The position will be based at the Center for Systems Integration and SustainabilityMichigan State University.

The primary responsibility of the postdoctoral associate will be to investigate the impacts of historical and future shocks, including climate shocks, on agri-food systems in the U.S. Midwest. This research will include the analysis of historical climate and remotely-sensed data, and the development of climate projections relevant to critical growth stages for a range of food crops produced in the U.S. Midwest. The work will involve the analysis of large data sets, preparation of manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals, presentations in professional meetings/symposia, and preparation of datasets, together with associated metadata, to be submitted to public data repositories.

The postdoctoral associate will have opportunities to work with project members in translating climate information for stakeholder decision making, including participation in the development of decision-support tools and early warning systems. The postdoctoral associate will also have opportunities to interact and network with the USDA Midwest Climate Hub and partners/projects related to various aspects of climate change and agriculture in the U.S. Midwest. Additional opportunities for training and professional development relevant to the postdoctoral associate’s professional goals will be provided by the project team, through the MSU Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (https://postdocs.msu.edu/), and through the USDA Midwest Climate Hub. Potential opportunities include training in stakeholder engagement and outreach, teaching, and mentoring of students, among others.

This is a full-time position. Funding is available for two years with the possibility of an extension given satisfactory performance.

Application materials include (1) cover letter, (2) CV, (3) names and contact information for three references, (4) 2-3 representative publications or papers, and (5) a 2-3 page statement summarizing your research interests and experiences to date. Review of applications will begin March 31 and continue until the position is filled.

For more information and to apply, please visit: https://careers.msu.edu/en-us/job/514101/research-associatefixed-term (Posting #848629). Apply online by clicking on “Apply Now” toward the bottom of the page.

Please contact Dr. Jack Liu (liuji@msu.edu), Dr. Andrés Viña (vina@msu.edu), Dr. Dennis Todey (dennis.todey@usda.gov) and/or Dr. Julie Winkler (winkler@msu.edu) with questions.


Graduate Research Assistantships:


Ph.D. Assistantships/Fellowships - Ph.D. assistantships/fellowships are available for outstanding self-motivated students to conduct innovative and high-impact research and pursue doctoral degrees at the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability (CSIS) at Michigan State University. Research topics may include  sustainability science, coupled human and natural systems, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, human well-being, land change science, forest and landscape ecology, global change, systems integration,  wildlife ecology and conservation, systems modeling and simulation, and telecoupling. Application materials include:

  • letter of application
  • statement of professional goals
  • CV or resume
  • transcripts
  • GRE scores
  • TOEFL scores (for non-native English speakers only)
  •  list of 3-4 references (names and contact information)
  • up to three representative publications if any.
  • Unofficial copies of GRE, TOEFL and transcripts are OK initially.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their application materials as soon as possible, or until the positions are filled.  Applications and questions about these opportunities can also be emailed to: 

Jianguo (Jack) Liu
Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability
Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability
MSU Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

MSU Distinguished University Fellowshiprecognize academic achievement, research goals, demonstrated leadership potential, and contribution to a diverse educational community.

Office of the Provost Postdoctoral Fellowship Program  (Salary, research funds, and health coverage and benefits. U.S. citizens or permanent residents; Female and under-represented minority candidates are especially encouraged to contact Dr. Jack Liu at liuji@msu.edu or other faculty members at CSIS)

ESPP Doctoral Recruiting Fellowships (for students interested in MSU's specialization in the Environmental Science and Policy Program in addition to MSU's Ph.D. program; competitive stipend and health/tuition coverage. Students who are interested in integrating natural and social sciences are encouraged to contact Dr. Jack Liu at liuji@msu.edu or other faculty members at CSIS).

Canadian Studies Center Scholarship (for sophomores or juniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher to work and study in Canada).

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship  for Graduate Students

The MSU Department of Forestry graduate certificate in forest carbon science, policy and management. The forest carbon certificate program, the first of its kind in the United States, offers students the interdisciplinary tools and conceptual background to plan, implement, manage and evaluate forestry-based, climate-change mitigation projects. The certification will give students an edge in competing for employment in carbon mitigation projects of corporations, governments, and non-governmental organizations.

MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement: Open to all MSU graduate and professional students, this no-cost program is a way to strengthen the graduate experience and earn a professional credential noted on the transcript. Past students have enjoyed the seminars on community engagement, learned practical skills in the mentored community engagement experience/project, and shared their story during the portfolio presentations.

The Annual Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt Conservation and Environmental Leadership Fellowship. 

Schrems West Michigan Trout Unlimited Graduate Fellowship.  This fellowship annually honors MSU students enrolled in graduate programs who are working on coldwater fisheries as part of their thesis or dissertation. 

Janice Lee Fenske Excellence in Fisheries Management Fellowship. Jan Fenske was the first female biologist for the Fisheries Division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. During her 27 years of service, her love of the environment compelled her to work untiringly for the long-term protection and sustainable use of the State’s aquatic resources. The intent of this award is to honor Jan’s attitude, deep commitment to the resource, integrity, and memory by providing graduate students from the under-served community in the Department with additional financial and mentoring opportunities to assist them in developing successful careers in fisheries management. Applications are due in January each year.