NAILE 2010s
North American International Livestock Expo 4-H Dairy Judging Teams
Louisville, Kentucky
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2010 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Marshall Wixom, of Bloomingdale; Katelyn Horning, of Manchester; Casei Hart, of Grass Lake; Lauren Bush, of Swartz Creek; and Coach Joe Domecq.
- Team: 6th in Jerseys, 8th in Oral Reasons, 10th in Brown Swiss, 10th Overall, and 11th in Guernseys.
- Individuals: Lauren Bush placed 2nd in Jerseys.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2011 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Megan Filhart, of Rosebush; Kelly Raterink, of Allendale; Hayleigh Geurink, of Allendale; Megan Bush, of Swartz Creek; and Coach Joe Domecq.
- Team: 1st in Oral Reasons, 1st in Guernseys, 1st in Holsteins, 2nd Overall, 3rd in Brown Swiss, 3rd in Jerseys, and 10th in Ayrshires.
- Individuals: Megan Bush placed 1st in Ayrshires, 1st in Holsteins, 2nd in Guernseys, 3rd in Oral Reasons, and 5th Overall. Megan Filhart placed 3rd in Holsteins, 4th Overall, 5th in Jerseys, 5th in Oral Reasons, and 8th in Guernseys. Hayleigh Geurink placed 4th in Guernseys, 5th in Holsteins, 6th in Oral Reasons, and 6th Overall. Kelly Raterink placed 6th in Holsteins, 11th in Guernseys, and 16th Overall.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2012 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Coach Joe Domecq; Jay Luoma, of East LeRoy; Kelvin Webster, of Laingsburg; Kayle Jakus, of St. Johns; and Natalie Horning, of Manchester. (Photo provided courtesy of Dr. Joe Domecq).
- Team: 4th in Ayrshires, 7th in Oral Reasons, and 10th Overall.
- Individuals: Jay Luoma placed 3rd in Brown Swiss, 12th Overall, 13th in Holsteins, and 13th in Oral Reasons.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2013 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Lucas Moser, of Dansville; Bryce Frahm, of Frankenmuth; T.J. Frahm, of Frankenmuth; Allison Pung, of Portland; and Coach Joe Domecq.
- Team: 1st in Guernseys, 3rd in Jerseys, 3rd in Oral Reasons, 5th Overall, 7th in Holsteins, 13th in Ayrshires, and 15th in Brown Swiss.
- Individuals: Bryce Frahm placed 7th in Jerseys and 10th in Oral Reasons. T.J. Frahm placed 2nd in Guernseys, 2nd in Jerseys, 8th Overall, 12th in Oral Reasons, and 19th in Ayrshires. Lucas Moser placed 5th in Brown Swiss, 8th in Guernseys, 13th in Oral Reasons, 14th in Holsteins, and 19th Overall. Allison Pung placed 5th in Jerseys and 16th in Oral Reasons.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2014 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Rachel Ekkel, of Fremont; Shelby Berens, of Allegan; Josh Markel, of St. Johns; Mason Lettinga, of Middleville; and Coach Joe Domecq.
- Team: 1st in Holsteins, 2nd in Oral Reasons, 3rd in Brown Swiss, 3rd Overall, 6th in Guernseys, 7th in Jerseys, and 15th in Ayrshires.
- Individuals: Shelby Berens placed 7th in Holsteins, 15th in Oral Reasons, 24th in Guernseys, and 25th Overall. Mason Lettinga placed 1st in Holsteins, 3rd in Brown Swiss, 6th Overall, and 8th in Oral Reasons. Rachel Ekkel placed 4th in Oral Reasons, 8th Overall, 9th in Guernseys, 9th in Holsteins, 10th in Brown Swiss, and 14th in Jerseys.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2015 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Allison Schafer, of Westphalia; Skylar Buell, of Ida; Cameron Cook, of Pewamo; Madeline Meyer, of Ionia; and Coach Joe Domecq.
- Team: 1st in Brown Swiss, 1st in Jerseys, 1st in Oral Reasons, 1st Overall, 2nd in Guernseys, 8th in Ayrshires, and 9th in Holsteins.
- Individuals: Skylar Buell placed 24th in Jerseys. Cameron Cook placed 7th in Ayrshires, 7th in Jerseys, 8th in Brown Swiss, 8th in Oral Reasons, 10th Overall, and 23rd in Guernseys. Madeline Meyer placed 1st in Holsteins, 1st in Jerseys, 2nd in Oral Reasons, 2nd Overall, 3rd in Brown Swiss, and 5th in Guernseys. Allison Schafer placed 1st in Brown Swiss, 3rd in Jerseys, 4th Overall, 6th in Guernseys, 12th in Oral Reasons, and 19th in Ayrshires.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2016 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right) Front Row: Hope McAlvey, of Carson City; Kristin Burkhardt, of Fowlerville; Back Row: Lance Frahm, of Frankenmuth; Morgan Luoma, of East Leroy; and Coach Joe Domecq.
- Team: 2nd in Jerseys, 3rd in Oral Reasons, 4th Overall, 5th in Guernseys, 7th in Brown Swiss, and 8th in Holsteins.
- Individuals: Kristin Burkhardt placed 3rd in Ayrshires, 10th in Jerseys, 11th in Holsteins, and 15th in Oral Reasons. Lance Frahm placed 1st in Jerseys, 3rd in Oral Reasons, 9th Overall, and 20th in Holsteins. Morgan Luoma placed 11th Overall, 13th in Guernseys, 16th in Brown Swiss, 18th in Oral Reasons, and 20th in Holsteins. Hope McAlvey placed 8th in Oral Reasons, 10th Overall, 12th in Jerseys, and 13th in Holsteins.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2017 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Coach Joe Domecq; Catie Theisen, of Blanchard; Jessica Nash, of Elsie; Drew Neyer, of Mt. Pleasant; Miriam Cook, of Pewamo; and Ian Black, of Eagle.
- Team: 1st in Ayrshires, 3rd in Brown Swiss, 3rd in Overall, 4th in Oral Reasons, 6th in Guernseys, 6th in Holsteins, and 19th in Jerseys.
- Individuals: Ian Black placed 10th in Ayrshires and 22nd Overall. Miriam Cook placed 3rd in Ayrshires, 4th in Brown Swiss, 4th Overall, 5th in Oral Reasons, 19th in Holsteins, and 23rd in Guernseys. Jessica Nash placed 7th in Ayrshires, 9th Overall, 10th in Brown Swiss, 13th in Holsteins, and 18th in Oral Reasons. Catie Theisen placed 8th in Guernseys, and 25th in Oral Reasons.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2018 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Drew Neyer, of Mt. Pleasant; Cristin Theisen, of Blanchard; Shannon Good, of Caledonia; Katie Wilson, of Blanchard ; and Coach Joe Domecq.
- Team: 1st in Brown Swiss, 3rd Overall, 3rd in Oral Reasons, 4th in Holsteins, and 5th in Guernseys.
- Individuals: Shannon Good placed 3rd in Brown Swiss, 7th in Guernseys, 8th in Holsteins, and 9th in Oral Reasons. Drew Neyer placed 3rd in Oral Reasons and 4th in Holsteins. Cristin Theisen placed 6th in Brown Swiss.
The North American International Livestock Exposition 2019 Michigan 4-H team members included (Pictured from left to right): Jason Kushmaul, of Jonesville; Jack Baker, of Byron Center; Jacob VanderMolen, of Allendale; and Abby Vandyk, of Kalamazoo. (Photo provided courtesy of Melissa Elischer)
- Team: 7th in Holsteins, 10th in Brown Swiss, 10th in Reasons, 11th Overall, and 12th in Guernseys.
- Individuals: Jack Baker placed 8th in Ayrshires, 11th in Holsteins, and 13th Overall. Jacob VanderMolen placed 5th in Holsteins, 6th in Brown Swiss, 7th in Guernseys, 8th in Reasons, and 10th Overall.