Blockchain Project

Project Leads

Short Description

The project will involve several phases, including scoping and stocktaking, a needs assessment, multi-partner dialogue, data-driven technical engagement on embedding carbon in a blockchain system, and communicating blockchain technology and forest carbon to internal and external stakeholders. MSU/FCCP will conduct a technical review, interviews, a survey, and will partner with the Endowment and ForesTrust to facilitate working groups and workshops. Following these initial steps MSU/FCCP will assist Chainparency with data collection to create a blockchain system and will assist with outreach and communication to a wide range of stakeholders who may be interested in implementing blockchain within the Forestry sector.


  • FCCP team:
    • Sandra Lupien, Interim Director
    • Emily Esch, Learning and Media Specialist
    • Adrianna Sutton, Communications Manager
  • Collaborators:
    • Teal Edelen, United States Endowment for Forestry and Communities
    • Henry Ines, Chainparency
  • ForesTrust Founding Partners:


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