Whether you're starting your mindfulness journey or trying to learn how to use a pressure canner, MSU Extension's team of health and nutrition experts are here to help — connecting you with the educational programs and resources you need.

Explore Our Health Programs!

HNI Impact Report 2023 Photo Banner.png

Good sleep, access to
nutritious foods, supportive relationships — what it means to be healthy is different for us all.

That’s why Michigan State University Extension is here to support all the ways we can all live healthier lives and build healthier communities, by bringing the vast knowledge and resources of MSU directly to your community. 

MSU Extension offers programming and resources for: 

Want to Learn More? 

In 2024...


people subscribed to MSU Extension’s quarterly health and nutrition digests.


people viewed food and health content on MSU Extension’s website. 


children and adults participated in one of the 8,975 in-person nutrition and physical activity programs delivered by MSU Extension.