Feed the Future. The U.S. Government's Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative

Food Security Policy

Visiting Scholars Program

As part of its efforts to support improved dialog in the Nigerian agricultural sector with evidence from rigorous scientific research, the Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project has a visiting scholars program focused on training and mentoring young Nigerians in the field of agriculture. Nigerian graduate students, their research advisors and MSU faculty constitute research teams to jointly work on specific topics. Current topics include food safety along staple crop value chains, climate change impacts, the Nigerian poultry and fish value chains, fertilizer use and soil management practices.

The Project launched its Visiting Scholars Program in the fall of 2016. So far, 10 Nigerian students have been competitively selected to study at Michigan State University with faculty on various research topics of relevance to Nigeria. The program adopts a “train one to train others” approach: Following their training at MSU, the project scholars proceed to train others at home in Nigeria, with the support of MSU's mentors. So far, the 7 students who have graduated from the program (and returned home) have trained over 800 people including faculty and students at Nigerian universities, as well as staff at ministries of agriculture. See our visiting scholars program presentation video.

Nigeria Visiting Scholars' Profiles

Under the supervision or in collaboration with an MSU faculty, these scholars produce research papers and policy briefs. They also give trainings (see for example our news article: Training one to train others) and presentations.
 The Visiting Scholars program also publishes its own series of Highlights.

Visiting Scholars News

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