4-H brings awareness of the lives of youth around the globe and enhances Michigan youth's understanding of their roles in the world.
Helping young people to explore and to appreciate what people around the world have in common and what makes them unique is critically important in society today. Michigan 4-H offers a variety of opportunities for kids and adults to learn more about our global community. In some cases, that perspective is gained through activities or projects that include art, reading, writing letters, reports, presentations, displays or simply talking to their own family members. In other cases, it is gained through actually traveling to a different state or to other countries such as Belize, Poland or Japan.
Michigan has started a Statewide International 4-H Club
Focus: Global and Cultural Education
Let's start exploring the world together from the comfort of our own homes as global and cultural education is shared through our statewide club. Then let's step outside our comfort zone into our learning zone where life begins to see what Michigan has to offer as far as global and cultural education.
Global perspectives - is when someone can think about a situation as it relates to the rest of the world.
Start planning a cultural festival road trip in Michigan with destinations throughout the state. Here are pre and post questions you may use to start conversations with the youth in your life.
Cultural view - the way youth see their own culture and the culture of others.
“The challenges that face the world today – from global poverty and climate change to financial systems and conflict – require globally minded solutions. Global competency skills are necessary so that young people can invent a future that appropriately addresses global challenges.”
– van Fleet & Winthrop, 2010
For more information on how to get involved as a youth or volunteer, contact: