If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to get in touch, please feel free to contact our team at the Michigan Local Food Council Network. We're here to support your efforts in strengthening food councils statewide and building a better food system for Michigan.
The MLFCN Listserv
The MLFCN maintains a listserv for communication among members and coordinators. Updates include:
- MLFCN meeting notices;
- legislative and administrative policy updates;
- information digests including grant opportunities, event notices, and publication releases;
- and other items of potential interest.
Our Team
Rachel Kelly
Senior Resource and Research Development Specialist
Megan Masson-Minock
Planner, Carlisle Wortman Associates, Inc.
Lindsey Scalera
Community Food Systems Collaboration Specialist
Kolia Souza
Food Systems Equity & Advocacy Specialist