Academic Quadrathlon Tests Student Knowledge and Skill
Students compete in the Animal Science Academic Quadrathlon at Michigan State University.
On January 15, two teams of Animal Science students participated in the 2018 Animal Science Academic Quadrathlon, organized by Dr. Dale Rozeboom, Ms. Julie Moore, and Dr. Brain Nielsen and executed with the help of many department faculty, staff, farm managers, and graduate students. Students took a written exam, worked through a problem and presented a solution, completed hands-on stations at each farm, and completed the day with a Quiz Bowl contest. The high scoring team goes on to the Regional AQ Event, held in conjunction with the Midwest Animal Science meetings in March.
Team A included Animal Science majors Emily Kittendorf, Kimmi Jodoin, Monika Dziuba, and Libby Venema, while Team B included Madison Wensley, Rachel Gleason, Dean Degroff and Dylan Rodriguez.
Both teams performed very well, however, ultimately Team A will move on to the ASAS Midwest Meetings contest.
Congratulations to all and thank you!!!