Hunger Fighters Unite! lesson available to explore global food security

This new 4-H lesson focuses on food security and community engagement. It serves as a wonderful introduction for those individuals who participate in the World Food Prize Michigan Youth Institute pre-college program.

Photo of Hunger Fighters Unite! lesson

The 2022 report, “Condition of Career Readiness in the United States,” provided by the Coalition for Career Development Center and the Boston University Center for Future Readiness, stated “we need to ensure that all young people have opportunities for career exploration and work-based learning all along their educational pathways.” Michigan State University Extension and Michigan 4-H Youth Development help to do just that and prepare young people for successful futures. In addition, 4-H is helping to “bring awareness of the lives of youth around the globe and enhance Michigan youth's understanding of their roles in the world,” as stated on the global and cultural education webpage.

To support both of these efforts, Michigan 4-H has provided the Hunger Fighters Unite! lesson plan. This lesson is intended for high school-age youth and may be used by anyone, though it was created as an educational tool related to food security as a resource for teachers and mentors that might be working with students to participate in the World Food Prize Michigan Youth Institute (WFPMIYI). The lesson blends food security and civic engagement and is beneficial before having students write a research paper for WFPMIYI. Hunger Fighters Unite! was collaboratively written with Paiton McDonald, World Food Prize alumna, 4-H volunteer and MSU Animal Science doctoral student.

WFPMIYI is an annual MSU pre-college program that engages Michigan youth as active global citizens and leaders who learn about (and identify solutions to help address) hunger, poverty and other critical global challenges. Since established in 2015, youth in grades 7-12 who have participated in the WFPMIYI have demonstrated an increase in their knowledge of grand global challenges and their relationship to agriculture, food and food security. In addition, past participants have also indicated an increase in college and career readiness skills.

Hunger Fighters Unite! is three hours of role play, research and hands-on education that allows students to practice their leadership, teamwork and social skills while learning about another culture. It includes five pieces that are easily accessed on the WFPMIYI webpage:

  • Lesson plan
  • PowerPoint for participants
  • PowerPoint for instructors/volunteers
  • Mentimeter instructions
  • Pre- and post-test handout

Questions about Hunger Fighters Unite? Contact Debra Barrett at MSU Extension and Michigan 4-H Youth Development helps to prepare young people for successful futures. For more information about career exploration, workforce development and readiness, youth financial education or youth entrepreneurship, email us at

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