• Helping Farm Families Transition their Farm Business to the Next Generation

    Published on June 11, 2024
    MSU Extension works to improve farm personal well-being and income, expand agriculture-related businesses and increase employment opportunities, leading to agriculture being one of the strongest industries within Michigan.

  • Soil Microbial Community Dynamics Across Michigan Farms

    Published on February 26, 2024
    Soil health is an important concept that has grown exponentially in the public and private sectors over the past decades.

  • Field Horsetail: A Plant As Old As Time

    Published on February 2, 2024
    Explore what it is about field horsetail that makes it so persistent and what the options are if it is undesirable.

  • Extension Agriculture & Agribusiness in Michigan

    Published on December 11, 2023
    Michigan State University Extension educators work with farms of all sizes to positively impact individual farming operations. When individual operations do well, their success helps to fuel state and local economies.

  • Strengthening Michigan's ornamental horticulture industry

    Published on September 5, 2023
    The Michigan State University (MSU) Extension ornamental horticulture team aims to provide greenhouse, nursery and Christmas tree growers with information to reduce the risks and increase production efficiency.

  • Farmland Use in Michigan

    Published on June 30, 2023
    This brief analysis considers land use in the State of Michigan. The primary focus is on farmland and the different crops that are supported on that land.

  • Insecticides for Managing Box Tree Moth

    Published on April 14, 2023
    This list of insecticides focuses primarily on insecticides that are available to commercial operations (nurseries, greenhouses and landscapes), and is developed based on insecticides registered for management of caterpillars in general.

  • Box Tree Moth Alert

    Published on April 14, 2023
    Use the information provided in this tip sheet to look for box tree moth (BTM) and report any possible sightings.

  • Insecticide Options for Box Tree Moth Management

    Published on April 14, 2023
    This fact sheet contains a preliminary list of insecticide options for managing box tree moth in nurseries and landscapes.

  • The Anatomy of a Soil Test Report

    Published on March 9, 2023
    A summary of how to understand a soil test report to help you best understand and analyze the results to make effective farm management and soil fertility decisions.