Sabine Troeger

Sabine Troeger

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University of Bonn
Omo-Turkana Research Network


2008: Consultancy contract with GTZ (1 year) on conflict mediation (participatory approach) between ‘African Parks Foundation’ (lease-hold of ONP) and adjacent ethnic groups in South Omo. Acquaintance with David Turton, John Abbink, Shauna Latosky, Oliserali, Oligodondor, Will Hurd). 2009-2012 GTZ-CIM contract: In this context Climate Change Adaptation research in all over Ethiopia, 13 research sites with one of these in Nyangatom, Lokulan community. Field stay for 3 months without break of one student from Bonn together with Soya Kurupa, my Nyangatom assistant ever since. 2011: German Embassy funded Climate Change Adaptation project with Nyangatom. Ever since special interest in processes of Societal Transformation in the course of  state introduced governance institutions like ‘committees’. Since 2011: committed interest in developments in the terms of the Kuraz Sugar Coop. project. Research on existentially transforming livelihood frameworks (but blocked by political forces!). Future interest: research on livelihood and intercultural dynamics in the confrontation of ethnic communities and Konso/Highland migrant workers in sugar. In this context: 1-2 prospected PhD students (Ethiopian & German).