Daniel Buskirk

Daniel Buskirk

Contact Me

Professor / Beef Extension Specialist
MSU Extension



BS, Purdue University
MS, Purdue University
PhD, University of Illinois


MSU Beef Team

MCA/MSU Bull Evaluation Program

MSU Beef Center


I was raised on a diversified livestock, forage, and grain farm in northeastern Indiana. After joining the MSU faculty in 1996, I now provide state-wide leadership in the area of beef cattle production and management. I am a contributing member of the MSU Extension Institute for Agriculture and Agribusiness, the MSU Beef Team, and the MSU Center for Regional Food Systems. I serve as faculty coordinator for the MSU Beef Center, MCA/MSU Bull Evaluation Program, Michigan Beef Quality Assurance program, and the Michigan Livestock Industry Scholarship Foundation.


My applied research interests include enhancement of beef quality, and applications of beef identification and traceability.


I am the lead instructor for MSU’s undergraduate beef management courses and provide invited lectures for other Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine classes.

ANS 222  Introductory Beef Cattle Management
ANS 422  Advanced Feedlot Management


Visit Google Scholar for a list of publications.