Jessica Kiesling O'Connor

Jessica Kiesling O'Connor

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Advisor / Academic Specialist
Department of Animal Science




Coordinates the professional development courses within Animal Science, teaching ANS 301: Professional Development II and previously teaching ANS 101: Intro to Professional Development. Facilitates an education abroad program, Exploring the Irish Horse Industry, with Dr. Christine Skelly, which operates on even years, early summer semester.

Coordinates the undergraduate advising within Animal Science with a focus on course and career planning. Able to advise any undergraduate concentration, Kiesling is assigned to new students in Animal Industry and Animal Biology/pre-vet concentrations.


Growing up in rural Iowa, participation in 4-H, FFA, and Speak Out For Agriculture were instrumental in her career development. These programs motivated a career path to create educational experiences to allow the learner to uncover their talents. Degrees in agricultural education provided the foundation to do so. With twenty years experience at 3 institutions of higher education, Kiesling has built a career as a community-builder who seeks to create connections that spur action.

Her top achievements include 1) maintaining strong connections with students far beyond their graduation date; 2) forging a multi-state partnership to effect policy change at the federal level; 3) with the support of many friends and family, establishing an endowed scholarship in memory of my late husband, Dan Kiesling, for students representing MSU on judging teams.

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