James Kells, Ph.D.

James Kells

Contact Me

Professor in MSU AgBioResearch Assistant to the Director; Project GREEEN Coordinator



Ph.D. in Crop and Soil Sciences, Mich. State University, 1982 
M.S. in Weed Science, University of Kentucky, 1978
B.S. in Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, 1977

Research Interests:

Dr. Kells' research and extension program focuses on integrated weed management, biology and ecology of perennial weeds, and weed interference. His program emphasizes weed management in corn, forage crops, and small grains.  

Websites of Interest:

Other Information: 

  • Joined Department: August 1982
  • Appointment: 60% Extension, 25% Research, and 15% Teaching

Classes Taught:

  • CSS 288-Principles of Weed Management: Cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical weed management principles and practices. Environmental considerations.

Selected Recent Publications:

  1. Lindsey, L., W. J. Everman, A. J. Chomas, and J. J. Kells. 2012. Evaluation of Application Program and Timing in Herbicide-Resistant Corn. Weed Technol. 26:617-621
  2. Min, D., T.S. Dietz, W.J. Everman, A.J. Chomas, J.J. Kells, and R.H. Leep. 2012. Glyphosate-resistant alfalfa response to harvest frequency and weed management. Weed Technol. 26:399-404.
  3. Glaspie, C.F., S.A. McCordick, T.S. Dietz, J.J. Kells, R.H. Leep, and W.J. Everman. 2011. Effect of seeding rate and weed control on glyphosate-resistant alfalfa establishment. Weed Technol. 25:230-238.
  4. DiFonzo, C.E., Grafius, D.E. Hillger, C.D. Lee, and J.J. Kells. 2011. Pests resistant to pesticides and genetically modified crop plants: theory and management. In Environmental Safety of Genetically Engineered Crops, ed. R. Grumet, J.F. Hancock, K.M. Maredia, and Cholani Weebadde. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. Pp. 105-121.
  5. Jewett, M.R., Chomas, A., Kells, J.J., and Difonzo, C.D. 2008. Corn response to mesotrione as affected by soil insecticide, application method, and rate. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2008-1103-02-RS.
  6. McCordick, S.A., Hillger, D.E., Leep, R.H., and Kells, J.J. 2008. Forage quality of glyphosate-resistant alfalfa as influenced by establishment systems. Weed Technol. 22:635-640.
  7. McCordick, S. A., D. E. Hillger, R. H. Leep, and J. J. Kells. 2008. Establishment systems for glyphosate-resistant alfalfa. Weed Technol. 22:22-29.
  8. Franssen, A.S., and J.J. Kells. 2007. Control Strategies for Common Dandelion in No-Tillage Cropping Systems. Weed Technol. 21:18-22.
  9. Franssen, A.S., and J.J. Kells. 2007. Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber) Control with Postemergence Herbicides in No-Tillage Glufosinate-Resistant Corn (Zea mays L.). Weed Technol. 21:14-17.
  10. Bollman, S.L., J.J. Kells, T.T. Bauman, M.M. Loux, C.H. Slack, and C.L. Sprague. 2006. Mesotrione and atrazine combinations applied preemergence in corn (Zea mays L.) in five midwest states. Weed Technol. 20:908-920.
  11. Bollman, S.L., J.J. Kells, and D. Penner. 2006. Weed response to mesotrione and atrazine applied alone and in combination preemergence. Weed Technol. 20:903-907.
  12. Bernards, M. L., J. T. Simmons, C. J. Guza, C. R. Schultz, D. Penner, and J. J. Kells. 2006. Inbred corn response to acetamid herbicides as affected by safeners and microencapsulation. Weed Technol. 20:458-465.
  13. Dalley, C. A., M. L. Bernards, J. J. Kells. 2006. Effect of weed removal timing and row spacing on soil moisture in corn (Zea mays). Weed Technol. 20:399-409.
  14. Zuver, K.A., M.L. Bernards, J.J. Kells, C.L. Sprague, C.R. Medlin, and M.M. Loux. 2006. Evaluation of Postemergence Weed Control Strategies in Herbicide Resistant Isolines of Corn (Zea mays). Weed Technol. 20:172-178.
  15. Schmidt, A.A., W.G., Johnson, D.A. Mortensen, A.R. Martin, A. Dille, D.E. Peterson, C. Guza, J.J. Kells, R.D. Lins, C.M. Boerboom, C.L. Sprague, S.Z. Knezevic, F.D. Roeth, C.R. Medlin, and T.T. Bauman. 2005. Evaluation of corn (Zea mays L.) yield-loss estimations by WeedSOFT © in the North Central Region. Weed Technol. 19:1056-1064.