Feed the Future. The U.S. Government's Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative

Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy, Research, Capacity and Influence


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USAID is supporting Asian countries in translating their NDC commitments into specific activities through Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative in Asia (CACCI-Asia) activities to:

  • Develop a map of the policy system, partners, institutions, resources, and stakeholders involved in NDC implementation.
  • Through a series of consultative workshops and processes, strengthen institutional capacity for national level coordination for NDC implementation including project development, a national network of partners, resource mobilization, and policy and strategy integration.
  • Strengthen analytical capacity of network partners in generating evidence for project and program design through specific skill development workshops including policy analysis and preparing evidence-based programming for NDC implementation.
  • Develop a strategy for a prototype monitoring, tracking, and reporting system by compiling the existing data sources and developing a dashboard for real time reporting of the progress.
  • Provide analytical support and evidence-based recommendations for policy implementation.

For more information on CACCI-Asia and for current updates, please go to the CACCI-Asia page.

CACCI-Asia Publications

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