

Microorganism Transport with Infiltration and Runoff: Add-on Module for the KINEROS2 Runoff and Erosion Model. 


Multimodeling with Pedotransfer Functions: PTF Calculator.

 Time-Lapse-Zymography (TLZ)

TLZ is an in situ quantitative method developed for evaluating and mapping the activity of hydrolytic enzymes on soil/root surfaces

Dual-energy X-ray µCT

The method utilizes the abrupt increase of the mass attenuation coefficient
of heavy elements when crossing an X-ray absorption edge, detectable by
dual-energy CT scanning. 

  • Code available upon request 

Subsurface water retention technology (SWRT)

HYDRUS-2D modeling of water distribution in soil profile with installed SWRT membranes


A new add-on module SIR (Susceptible - Infected – Recovered) developed for the watershed scale model SWAT can predict transmission of the manure-borne pathogens between co-grazing livestock and deer.