• Jeremy Donald Gingrich, BS

    Published on February 1, 2022
    eremy received his B.S. in Animal Science from Michigan State University. His research project focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that result in placental cells intercellular communication and fusion defects.

  • Chelsie Boodoo

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Chelsie’s research investigates how factors such as hyperhomocysteine, folic acid, biomechanics and palmitate that activate IRE1 affect the extacellular matrix in relation to spina bifida.

  • Genna Moldovan

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Genna’s focus is on endometriosis, an inflammatory and estrogen-dependent chronic gynecological disorder that affects approximately ten percent of reproductive aged women.

  • Brooke Armistead

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Brooke’s research focuses on understanding molecular mechanisms underlying abnormal placental development, which can result in pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia.

  • Gregory Burns, Ph.d.

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Greg uses a baboon model to study the establishment and progression of endometriotic lesions.

  • Jennifer Watts, Ph.D.

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Jennifer hypothesizes that earlier ZIKV infection during preimplantation stages could cause more severe effects than infection at later stages due to effects on early cell lineage formation.

  • Arianna Smith, Postdoctoral Fellow

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Dr. Smith received her B.S. in Biological Sciences from North Carolina State University and her Ph.D. in Genetics from Michigan State University. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Karen Racicot’s Lab at Michigan State University.

  • Maria Ariadna Ochoa Bernal

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Ariadna’s research is focused on the inflammatory regulation of miR-21 and fibrosis in the pathophysiology of endometriosis.

  • Mohamed Ashry

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Mohamed studies the role of TFAP2C in establishing the trophoblast lineage gene expression program by forming a regulatory complex with TEAD4, YAP1, and other key proteins.

  • Kaitlin Karl

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Kaitlin’s research addresses the development of more efficient superovulation techniques to improve oocyte/embryo collections in cattle that may also benefit assisted reproductive technologies in women, as well as to...

  • Robin Seay

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Robin’s research focuses on the role of Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) signaling in the second cell fate decision of preimplantation embryos, which is essential for embryonic development and birth of healthy offspring.

  • Ryan Marquardt, BS

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Ryan’s ongoing doctoral research is focused on the endometrial compartment-specific function of ARID1A, a SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex protein, as it relates to endometriosis-related infertility.

  • Alexandra Yaw

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Alex’s project focuses on understanding how shift work causes reduced fertility.

  • Peter Z Schall

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Peter uses advanced methods for analysis of RNA sequencing data to study mammalian reproductive tissues, oocytes, and embryos.

  • Ashley Severance, Ph.D.

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Ms. Severance received her Bachelors degree from Albion College in 2010, and her Masters degree from Central Michigan University (CMU), where she studied germ cells in C. elegans. In her current studies, she examines oocyte spindle biology.

  • Meghan Ruebel, Postdoctoral Fellow

    Published on February 1, 2022
    Dr. Ruebel received her B.S. from University of Missouri, Columbia in 2008, a MAEd in Exercise Science from the University of Nebraska in 2010 and her PhD Clinical and Translational Sciences from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2016.