Course Videos
Please work your way through the videos created by three EOV Verified Monitors from Michigan State University which are intended to be viewed like a workshop or lecture. Videos “2: WHAT IS EOV” and “29: EXPAND THE CIRCLE” are optional, but will add more context to the importance of monitoring and how to do it. We recommend working through the videos sequentially because each builds on the information in the prior video. The majority of the videos are 5 minutes or less, but the Introduction to EOV and Functional Group Scoring Examples are closer to 15 minutes long.
You will work your way through the videos at your own pace and at the end of the course you will connect with one of the monitors to conduct short-term monitoring on your own property. If you would like to become a verified short-term monitor with the Savory Institute, please contact an EOV Verifier to learn more. This course may also be used to fulfill training requirements for research projects connected to Michigan State University’s Center for Regenerative Agriculture.
The Savory video clips to watch, all are less than 2 minutes long, demonstrate what conducting STM looks like in a dry (brittle) environment created by the Savory Institute. Additionally, this PDF contains all of the slideshow presentations in one file.