Workshops and Webinars

  1. Workshops and Webinars to build forest carbon and market decision support for landowners and forestry stakeholders in Northeastern United States. 
  2. Workshops and Webinars for State and Tribal Capacity Building on Forest Carbon in Region 9 of United States. 
  3. Workshop and Tour: Economics of Energy Production: Towards Fair Comparisons: Developing Economic Valuation and Contribution Tools for Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources


  1. Webinar series: Insights and Opportunities Across Transatlantic Forest Research: The Michigan State University and University of Eastern Finland forestry programs have joined together for a joint webinar series. The aim is to present ongoing research and teaching activities and explore opportunities for collaboration in research and teaching to enhance this partnership. Click here for more details. 
  2. Hanover Seminar Series: Woodshed Mapping: Identifying Locations, Assessing Feedstock Availability, Evaluating Economic and Environmental Impacts, and Attracting Investment in the Forest Products Industry. October 17, 2023, Department of Forestry, Michigan State University. 
  3. 2022-23 Forests and Climate Learning Exchange Series: The Economic Tradeoffs in Timber Products Under Various Carbon Management Strategies for Maryland and Pennsylvania. February 1, 2023, Webinar Series by MSU Forest Carbon and Climate Change. 
  4. Webinar on mass timber for the office of GovernorMass Timber Demand/Supply Preliminary Findings Presentation. September 21, 2023, Presentation by MassTimber@MSU for Zoe Ahlstrom, Advisory to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
  5. Webinar Series by MSU Forest Carbon and Climate Change: Forests and Climate Learning Exchange Series: The Economic Tradeoffs in Timber Products Under Various Carbon Management Strategies for Maryland and Pennsylvania. February 1, 2023.
  6. Webinar on Masstimber: Analysis of location, softwood sawlog availability, and economic contributions of a mass timber manufacturing plant in Michigan. August 15, 2022, Webinar by MSU Forestry and Mass timber at MSU for Michigan DNR and MI forestry stakeholders.
  7. Forest Carbon Data and Modeling Webinar: Expert Panel on Forest Carbon Data and Modeling Integration and Evaluation. Panelists: Dr. Grant Domke (USDA Forest Service, Dr. Ivan Fernandez (UMaine), Dr. Alexandra Kosiba (UVM Extension), and Dr. David MacFarlane (MSU) and Dr. Raju Pokharel (MSU).  September 13, 2022. Webinar by MSU Forest Carbon and Climate Change. 
  8. Webinar series: Forestry in Finland and northern US: Forestry in Michigan: Current issues and opportunities, Webinar series: Forestry in Finland and northern US. April 24, 2022.
  9. Webinar series on Biochar: Economics of Biochar and feedstock availability, Great Lake Biochar Network, Michigan State University. 2021.