State and Tribal Capacity Building on Forest Carbon

Webinar and Workshop Series sought to support state and tribal forestry agencies in various stages of working on forest carbon management and stewardship efforts through a variety of in-person, interactive, and print materials. The project developed four webinars focusing on numerous aspects of forests and carbon in the Eastern US helping participants develop the tools to assess potential trade-offs and opportunities in forest management and planning. In addition to the four webinars, participants were invited to participate in two in-person workshops to delve deeper in to technical topics of forest carbon including forest inventorying, forest carbon models, stakeholder perceptions, and communication tactics for both internal and external audiences. Lastly, the project developed a series of handouts and technical briefings to further inform efforts to incorporate climate considerations into forest policy and management. This project was funded in part from Penn Soil Resource Conservation and Development Council under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.