


Webinar 1: Introduction to forest carbon markets and payment programs

Presenter: Dr. Greg Latta, The University of Idaho

Dates / Time: September 26th, 2024, 3:00 EST

Description: Dr. Greg Latta, associate research professor of forest economics and director of policy analysis group at the University of Idaho, will present an overview and information on the pros- and cons- of various carbon payment programs and how landowners could enter this market based on their management objectives.

Click here for the recording of the Webinar 1. 


Webinar 2: Cost-benefit of voluntary carbon projects: demonstrating an online tool for landowner decision-support

Presenter: Dr. Raju Pokharel, Michigan State University

Dates / Time: December 12th, 2024, 3:00 EST

Description: Dr. Raju Pokharel, assistant professor of forest economics at Michigan State University, will demonstrate and present an on-demand web-based tool for landowner decision-support to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of changing harvest strategies by quantifying subsequent changes in merchantable timber and biogenic carbon using simple forest stand metrics to provide users with estimates of potential costs and payments of enrolling land in a voluntary carbon project

Registration Link: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_g5ZkvXENR-iUBGooWmaB4w 


Webinar 3: Expert Panel of Forest Carbon Markets and Payment Programs


Nathan Truitt, American Forest Foundation
Jon Remucal, Climate Action Reserve
Dr. Erynn Maynard-Bean, SCS Global Services
Dylan Jenkins, Finite Carbon
Dr. Nan Pond, Rubicon Carbon
Dates / Time: January 16th 2025, 3:00 EST

Description: This webinar panel will bring together representatives from various forest carbon payment programs including the Family Forest Carbon Program (FFCP), Finite Carbon, and Climate Action Reserve as well as a verification auditor to provide in-depth expertise on the nuts and bolts of forest carbon markets and payment programs including project development, verification and auditing, and potential payment schemes and structures. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask relevant questions directly to the panel to learn more about the specific details and potential income sources of projects.

Registration Link: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_V-kA4DjhRbmg0aupDYjCUg 


Webinar 4: Voluntary and compliance forest carbon markets: understanding the opportunity

Presenter: TBD

Dates / Time: February 20th 2025, 3:00 PM EST

Description: This webinar will delve deeper into understanding the different types of forest carbon markets (including voluntary vs. compliance), carbon registries, and carbon payment programs with a focus on opportunities for potential new income streams. Additionally, this webinar will discuss barriers to entry to different programs and opportunities to overcome such barriers.

Registration Link: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zYgb-er7Qj-vE4mJxSOFTg 


Webinar 5: Financial trade-offs of managing forestlands for carbon and wood products

Presenter: Dr. Bin Mei, Duke University

Dates / Time: March 27th 2025, 3:00 PM EST

Description: Dr. Bin Mei, Professor of the Practice, Natural Resource Finance Initiative, will provide an overview of potential financial trade-offs of managing forestlands for carbon and wood product with a focus on understanding what opportunities or challenges may arise with shifting traditional forest finance pathways to new and innovative markets ultimately informing future management strategies with regards to forestland owner decision-making

Registration Link: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rK4vknC3QQ2a7kV1vY9VDg