Check-In Information

2024 4-H Exploration Days Check-In Process


  1. Lead Chaperone will pick up the check-in packet for their entire delegation within a gender identity (This could be one county or a group of counties if sharing a Lead Chaperone)
    1. These can be picked up at Exploration Days Event Headquarters in the West Holmes Lounge
      1. Tuesday 4pm-9pm (if arriving after 9pm please reach out to 517-432-7611)
      2. Wednesday 8am-11am
  2. Youth and other chaperones/instructors staying with the delegation will pick up their key, access card, and name badge from the Lead Chaperone
    1. Pick up can happen directly on the floor where registrants are staying
    2. Those arriving by bus, we recommend distribution take place on the bus/by the bus
    3. If your delegation decided on another predetermined location, you can use that space
  3. Complete the form in the folder to check off the distribution of keys, lanyard and conference calls. Leave items not picked up in the folder and do not check off those names. You can note if you know that the individual is not attending at this time. Any late arrivals will need to go to 4-H Exploration Days Headquarters in West Holmes to pick up their items.
  4. Remind everyone to stop in C-104 to pick up the Activity Guide and their t-shirt by 2pm on Wednesday; you will have a list of t-shirt sizes for your county delegation, please remind youth which shirt size they ordered during registration
  5. Lead Chaperones will return their check-in packet to the 4-H Exploration Days Residence Hall Information Center at W179 by 3pm. The 4-H Exploration Days Residence Hall Information Center is located on the East side of the building past the elevators.
  6. On Thursday, from 2pm-10pm, please pick up your check-out packet with directions from the 4-H Exploration Days Residence Hall Information Center (W179).