Changing a Major or Minor

Majors or minors outside of CANR

If you are seeking a major change to something other than a major in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR), please visit the website of that college to learn more about the process.

If you wish to change your major to Exploratory Preference, or if you wish to discuss major options, please visit the University Advising Initiative for guidance.

Majors or minors inside CANR

If you’re not sure which major in CANR is for you, or you are an ANR Exploratory Major Student, contact Dr. Dorcia Chaison in Office of Academic and Student Affairs at 517-355-0234 as your initial contact advisor.

If you’re changing your major or minor into CANR, you are encouraged to first set up an appointment with your CANR academic advisor.

You can also schedule advising appointments online. (More details: MSU Student Information System resources.)

If you have already completed an advising meeting, and you know which major or minor you would like to switch into, you will next need to fill out the CANR Change Major (or minor) online form.