Clare County 4-H Awards

2024 Clare County 4-H Awards



Nomination Forms are due on Friday August 23, 2024.
  • A person can nominate themselves and/or another person.
  • If members are nominated for more than two awards, they may apply for all awards they have been nominated for; however, they may win no more than two awards per year, including county medals.
  • Once 4-H members are nominated, they will be sent eligibility requirements and an application form. Award applications must be completed by the nominee.
  • For adults who are nominated for an award, and application form is not required.
  • Projects accounted for on the applications must be Clare County 4-H projects.
  • If you nominate a member for an award, check with them at least one week before the application forms are due on Monday, September 23, 2024.

Clare County 4-H Awards Ceremony 

Wednesday, November - 6 PM
The Venue on Main - Harrison, MI

Hustle Award

Must be 4-H age 5 – 7 years old. The 4-H member deserves recognition for their qualities exhibited during the last year (ambition, determination, and hustle) through meetings, 4-H wide activities and fair. One or more 4-H members can be nominated for this award that have demonstrated these qualities. This is a non-competitive award. All Cloverbuds who are nominated will be recognized.

Rookie of the Year

This is for outstanding first year members and will be judged in age divisions of 8-11, 12-15, and 16-19. 4-H age is determined as of January 1st of current year. Completed only one year in 4-H and in one or more areas. Deserves special recognition for qualities exhibited during the past year. A member may win this award once. One member per club per age division may be chosen to receive this award.

Accomplishment Award

Reached 8-11 years of age as of January 1 of current year. Completed two or more years in 4-H and completed 4-H projects in two or more areas. The 4-H member deserves special recognition for their qualities they have exhibited during the last year (improvement in projects, social skills, working well with others, most conscientious, etc.). A 4-H member can win this award once. One member per club may be chosen to receive this award.

Excellence Award

Reached 12-14 years of age as of January 1st of current year. Completed two or more years in 4-H and completed 4-H projects in two or more areas. The 4-H member deserves special recognition for their qualities they have exhibited during the last year (improvement in projects, social skills, working well with others, most conscientious, etc.). A 4-H member can win this award once. Attended at least one 4-H Council OR one 4-H Association meeting, including those held at fair during the current 4-H year.

Overall Achievement Award

Reached 15 -19 years of age by January 1 of current year. Completed three or more years in 4-H and completed 4-H projects in three or more areas. The 4-H member deserves recognition for initiative, special efforts, project improvement or enthusiasm within the 4-H club. A 4-H member can win this award once. Attended at least one 4-H Council and one 4-H Association meeting, including those held at the fair during the current 4-H year.

Key Club Award

Must be 4-H age 15 - 19 years old. Completed three or more years of 4-H club work (completed 4-H projects in at least two project areas, participated in three (3) regional and/or state 4-H events within the three years, completed a Teen Leadership project). Be recommended by his/her 4-H leader. Members may win this award once. Attended at least one 4-H Council and one 4-H Association meeting, including those held at the fair during the current 4-H year.

AYF National “I Dare You” Award

Must be currently a junior or senior in high school at the time of the award. Members may win this award once. Member deserves recognition of excellence in character and well-balanced personal development, as well as demonstrated qualities of constructive leadership. Must have completed five years of 4-H club work and completed at least three project areas. Participated in three (3) different multi-county or regional 4-H events and/or at two state events. Served as a teen leader within their club. Attended at least one 4-H Council and one 4-H Association meeting, including those held at the fair during the current 4-H year. 

Senior of the Year

Must have completed senior year of high school at the time of the award. Members may win this award once. Member deserves recognition of excellence in character and well-balanced personal development, as well as demonstrated qualities of constructive leadership. Must have completed four years of 4-H club work and completed at least three project areas. Participated in (1) one multi- county or regional 4-H events and one state event within the 4-H career. Attended at least one 4-H Council and one 4-H Association meeting, including those held at the fair during the current 4-H year.

Camp and Recreation Award

Must be 4-H age 8 - 19 years old and completed two or more years in a traditional 4-H camp or recreational program. The 4-H member deserves special recognition for the qualities they have exhibited during the past year while participating in 4-H camp or recreation programs. Qualities such as leadership, teamwork, personal development, etc.

Dedication Award

This award is open to anyone who shows outstanding dedication as a 4-H Youth between the age of 8 and 19. 4-H member can win this award once. Only one award may be given yearly. Youth can win this award in addition to two (2) other awards. A letter of recommendation must be included with this nomination.

Division Award

Between the age of 8 - 19. Members may win this award once in each division. Completed two or more years in the project area and must have completed 4-H project activity during the year being nominated. Within the divisions of the fair book, member completed projects in: 


2 different species OR

Small Animal

3 different species OR


2 different styles of riding OR

Home Arts  4 different project areas
County Medals

Member must be 4-H age 8 to 19. Completed two or more years in the project area and must have completed 4-H project activity during the year being nominated. Members may win a county medal for a project area only once. Members may be nominated for no more than two award medal categories. One medal will be awarded for every ten forms received per category, and only to those who the committee decides has made significant accomplishments in that area. Information given on the application should only be for the project medal applying for and youth must have completed a 4-H project in this category in Clare County 4-H. Youth who win a County Medal Award will be automatically nominated for the State 4-H Award in the corresponding category.

County Medal Award Categories:

  • Beef Science
  • Biological Science
  • Birds & Poultry Science
  • Civic Engagement
  • Communications & Expressive Arts
  • Companion Animal Science
  • Consumer & Family Science
  • Sheep Science
  • Swine Science
  • Technology & Engineering
  • Diary Science
  • Environmental & Earth Science
  • Equine Science
  • Goat Science
  • Shooting Sports
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Leadership & Personal Development
  • Plant Science
  • Rabbits & Cavy Science
4-H Leader of the Year

Must be a 4-H Leader for five or more years. Must be or have been an active member of an association or council for at least one year during their experience. Leaders may win this award once. Up to two awards will be given yearly. A letter of recommendation must be included with this nomination.

4-H Parent of the Year

The nominee cannot be a 4-H leader. Must be a parent or guardian of a 4-H member. Must have helped at the fair in the Milk Booth during the current year. Parent(s) or guardian(s) may win this award once. A letter of recommendation must be included with this nomination.

The Sherry E. Landon 4-H Family of the Year

Sherry E. Landon loved everything about 4-H and especially loved seeing all of the families getting involved in the program together. This award will be given to a dedicated 4-H family in memory of Sherry E. Landon. Family must have one or more youth that have been an active member for two or more years. Throughout the whole 4-H year, the family should work together as a unit to support the 4-H program through a variety of outlets including but not limited to, volunteering for and on behalf of the program, promoting the program in a positive manner and by being actively involved in 4-H. A family household can win this award once. A letter of recommendation must be included with this nomination.

4-H Alumni of the Year

Need to be a current or past 4-H leader or volunteer. Must be a former 4-H member. This person is contributing to the county program as a leader, resource person, council member, committee member, or in some other way that makes a significant impact on a part of the county program. A letter of recommendation must be included with this nomination.

Friend of 4-H Award

Open to businesses, organizations, or individuals who have contributed in goods, service, or monetary support to the total Clare County 4-H program. Exceptions are: Market livestock buyers and those who contribute to an individual 4-H club. Those eligible for the award are on-going supporters of the 4-H program in the county. Exceptions to this could be made by 4-H Council, if circumstances warrant. Business and individuals may win no more than once every five years. Up to two awards will be given yearly. Winners will be invited as guest to the 4-H Awards Ceremony and we be presented with a plaque. A letter of recommendation must be included with this nomination.

4-H Club of the Year - Monetary Prize Awarded

Must currently be a Clare County 4-H club for at least two years. Must have five or more members from three different families. Must have held business meetings where officers run part or all of the meeting. Some members of the club must have participated in a 4-H community service project. The club must have participated in special activities outside of the club related to 4-H. The club must have helped at the fair and in the Milk Booth or Baby Barn. A letter of recommendation must be included with this nomination.

4-H Ambassador

Youth must be 4-H age 8 to 19 during the upcoming 4-H year and ambassadorship is awarded in the following age categories: 8-11, 12-15, and 16-19. Ambassadors spend the 4-H year representing Clare County 4-H in various formats including attending parades and community events, reciting the pledges at 4-H events, serving as a master of ceremony during the 4-H Fall Awards Celebration, and other responsibilities as they arise. Youth nominated to be an ambassador will receive an application and will schedule an interview with a panel of judges who will ultimately decide who will receive the title of 4-H Ambassador(s).