Finding MSU Extension Experts

The following tools are resources for finding MSU Extension experts, articles, and research-based information which can be useful in your work and when finding information for clients.

Where can clients find Michigan specific information?
ANSWER: MSU Extension Website

The best source of information related to Michigan is the MSU Extension website. At this site clients can find a wealth of information on topics such as 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, Business, Community, Family, Food & Health, Lawn & Garden, and Natural Resources. 

MSU Extension Website:

How can I find MSU Extension experts to refer clients to?
ANSWER: Staff Directory

MSU Extension has a database of experts in a tool called Find an Expert. This database is searchable by name, county, and topic. It provides contact information and a list of articles for each expert.

MSU Extension Staff Directory:

Instructions for Staff: Updating Staff Profiles and Roles in dotCMS

How can community members ask questions online 24/7?
ANSWER: Ask Extension

Ask an Extension is an online system which allows clients to ask questions and receive answers quickly from MSU Extension staff on a broad range of subjects. It is especially useful if you have a client asking a question and there isn't an MSU Extension expert available. Previous questions and answers from Land Grant institutions across the country can be found in the Ask Extension Database. This database has become a wealth of information for the public. If you are a staff member who would like to become an expert in this system go to the MSU Extension eXtension section of the Organizational Development website.

Ask Extension Question Database:

Ask Extension Question Form: Ask Extension - MSU Extension

Instructions for Staff: Ask Extension Resources for Staff

Resource for County Offices: Downloadable Ask Extension Bookmark

How can I search online for research-based information?
ANSWER: eXtension Search

eXtension offers a custom Google Search tool for finding articles, websites, and documents from almost 1,000 Cooperative Extension websites and 74 Universities.

eXtension Custom Google Search: