The capital and main city is Bamako.
- The official language is French
- Area: 478,841 sq mi (approx. 4x the size of the State of Michigan)
- Population approx. 15 million in 2009
- Climate: Northern Sahara zone in Mali experiences hot and dry climate whereas the climate of Mali in the subtropical southern part is hot and humid
Fun Fact: The prime meridian marker is located in Gao, Mali, where one can literally stand on the edge of two hemispheres.
MSU and Partners achievements in Mali
Brochure in English
Les réalisations de MSU et ses partenaires au Mali
Pamphlet en français
Main Research Themes
- Agrifood System Transformation
- Gender
- Input Use and Market Development
- Policy Research and Capacity Building
- Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
- Training and Capacity Building
- Value Chain Analysis
Tough Questions
Published on January 16, 2025
A webinar series by MSU’s Food Security Group exploring critical issues in international development research, featuring leading experts tackling ethics, policy pipelines, A.I. impacts, and more. -
MSU Research Team Leaves Lasting Impact on Malian Food Security Outlook
Published on June 25, 2021
The Mali Food Security Policy Research Program has come to an end but leaves behind a lasting legacy of agricultural policy research and capacity development. -
Malian Farmers’ Access to Fertilizer Is Challenged by COVID-19
Published on October 1, 2020
Malian Farmers face greater difficulty accessing fertilizer during COVID-19 -
MSU and its Partners' Achievements in Mali
Published on November 15, 2018
A brochure, in English and in French, tells the story: Institution building, policy reforms, scientist and student trainings. Réalisations de MSU et de ses partenaires au Mali. -
How Big Is my Parcel?
Published on August 30, 2018
Malian farmers are concerned about being better farmers, and knowing the exact size of the fields they farm is a fundamental change.
Publications and Presentations
Beyond grain: the potential of cowpea in local markets of Mali
Published on September 5, 2022
Sissoko, M., Theriault, V., & Smale, M. (2022). Beyond grain: the potential of cowpea in local markets of Mali. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. -
Input subsidies and crop diversity on family farms in Burkina Faso
Published on August 2, 2022
Ahmad, S., Smale, M., Theriault, V., & Maiga, E. (2022). Input subsidies and crop diversity on family farms in Burkina Faso. Journal of Agricultural Economics. -
Articulating fertilizer subsidy effects on women’s diet quality by food supply source in Mali
Published on June 21, 2022
Assima, A., Zanello, G., & Smale, M. (2022). Articulating fertilizer subsidy effects on women’s diet quality by food supply source in Mali. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 3(1). -
Les opportunités, les défis et les problèmes politiques auxquels sont confrontés les chaînes de valeur du lait frais au Mali
Published on March 29, 2022
Cette série de bulletins politiques présente de nouvelles preuves empiriques qui fournissent des nouvelles idées pour réorienter la stratégie commerciale du lait frais. -
Comment les entreprises de lait frais peuvent-elles avoir un avantage concurrentiel par rapport aux produits concurrents fait à partir de lait en poudre importé
Published on February 21, 2022
Bulletin de recherche politique n°128. Ce bulletin politique, troisième d’une série de quatre, résume les résultats de recherches visant à améliorer la compétitivité des chaînes de valeur du lait frais au Mali.
Steven Haggblade
Adjunct Professor
Laura Schmitt Olabisi
Melinda Smale
Professor Emeritus
John M. Staatz
Professor Emeritus
517 896 4390
Oyinkan Chukuka Tasie
Assistant Professor
Véronique Thériault
Associate Professor