
Explore Michigan apple sourcing tips, resources, and recipes for institutions.

Apples remain Michigan’s most valuable crop. Michigan is the third largest producer of apples in the United States, behind New York and Washington. Nearly 900 farms in 24 Michigan counties produce 840 million pounds of apples each year, contributing $400 million to $500 million to the state's economy. Additionally, apples account for more than half (56 percent) of the total fruit grown in Michigan.

Facts about Apples

  • Fresh apples are available starting in August. Once they are harvested, some apples are kept in storage and are available until the following June. 
  • Apples are naturally free from fat, cholesterol and sodium. They are a great source of fiber too.

Resources for Michigan Apples

Promote Michigan products by using these marketing materials in your institution's cafeteria or menus

Cultivate Michigan Resources