
Explore Michigan garlic sourcing tips, resources, and recipes for institutions.

Strong in taste and smell, garlic is a great low-calorie spice and herb that gives recipes a kick! With a strong savory flavor, garlic is added to dishes around the world as a seasoning or condiment and can bring out the flavors of other healthy foods, such as vegetables.

It was also used for medicinal and spiritual purposes in many cultures. Historically, it was believed that smearing garlic could scare away evil spirits, including monsters and vampires. Garlic is still used for spiritual purposes and to treat physical illnesses such as fever, infections, and constipations. 

Many distributors and food hubs do not list specific sourcing information for Michigan garlic, so no specific products are listed in our Cultivate Michigan Sourcing Guide. To connect directly with local farmers for Michigan garlic, visit a local farmers market or reach out to your local food hub to see if they may be able to find a larger supply of fresh garlic for your food service program. 

Facts about Michigan Garlic

  • Hardneck garlic, which has larger cloves than softneck garlic, can tolerate cold Michigan winters.
  • Garlic can boost your immune system and improve cardiovascular health.
  • Garlic is one of the oldest and diverse cultivated crops, with over 300 varieties now grown around the world.

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