
Explore Michigan celery resources, sourcing tips, and recipes for your institution.

The start of celery cultivation in Michigan has been traced to Dutch immigrants who settled in Kalamazoo. The area’s muck soil is ideal for celery production, which has continued since then around Kalamazoo and in the southwestern part of the state . Fresh Michigan celery is typically in season from July to October, but processed and frozen celery is available throughout the year.

Pascal, or green celery, is the most popular cultivar. Celery is low in calories but rich in vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber and phytocompounds that are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. With its distinct flavor, celery serves as an important base to many culinary creations.

Facts about Michigan Celery

  • Michigan celery production began in Kalamazoo and now stretches through southwest counties of the state.
  • Michigan ranked second in the country for celery production in 2017.
  • Celery is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber. 

Featured Celery Recipes 

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